LeicaGeosystemsformerlyknownasWildbasedineasternSwitzerlandproducesproductsandsystemsforsurveyingandgeographical ...,Transferredfromde.wikipediatoCommonsbyWdwdbotusingscriptbot_filetrans.pl.Theoriginaldescriptionpagewashere.Allfollowingusernamesr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Leica Geosystems

Leica Geosystems formerly known as Wild based in eastern Switzerland produces products and systems for surveying and geographical ...

File:Leica Geosystems Logo.svg

Transferred from de.wikipedia to Commons by Wdwdbot using script bot_filetrans.pl. The original description page was here. All following user names refer to de.

Leica Geosystems

Leica Geosystems based in eastern Switzerland produces products and systems for surveying and geographical measurement (geomatics).

Hexagon's Geosystems division

Hexagon's Geosystems division provides digital solutions that capture, measure and visualise the physical world, enabling data-driven transformation.

Leica Geosystems

Revolutionising the world of measurement and survey for nearly 200 years, Leica Geosystems creates complete solutions for professionals across the planet. Leica · Leica DISTO · Leica ConX · Leica iCON | Construction...

About Us

Summary. Leica Geosystems is about creating complete solutions from one source across leading brands.

Leica Geosystems - Wikipedia | PDF

Leica Geosystems Leica Geosystems (formerly known as Wild Heerbrugg Leica Geosystems or just Wild) based in eastern Switzerland produces products

Leica Geosystems

Statements ; instance of · business ; inception. 1921 · imported from Wikimedia project · German Wikipedia ; logo image · Leica Geosystems Logo.svg 454 × 294; 11 KB.

Leica Geosystems

Leica Geosystems based in eastern Switzerland produces products and systems for surveying and geographical measurement (geomatics).


徠卡測量系統的產品可用於深度、距離的單點測量,能進行微米級的多點測量,以及獲取三維空間數據信息及各類影像數據信息,創建地圖、3D模型等用於各行各業所需。服務範圍涵蓋 ...


LeicaGeosystemsformerlyknownasWildbasedineasternSwitzerlandproducesproductsandsystemsforsurveyingandgeographical ...,Transferredfromde.wikipediatoCommonsbyWdwdbotusingscriptbot_filetrans.pl.Theoriginaldescriptionpagewashere.Allfollowingusernamesrefertode.,LeicaGeosystemsbasedineasternSwitzerlandproducesproductsandsystemsforsurveyingandgeographicalmeasurement(geomatics).,Hexagon'sGeosystemsdivi...