Downloading & Installing LAS X Software for Applied ...



LAS X Life Science Microscope Software Platform

LAS X microcope software for all Leica microscopes: It integrates confocal, widefield, stereo, super-resolution, and light-sheet instruments.


Microscope imaging software from Leica Microsystems combines microscope, digital camera and accessories into one fully integrated solution.

Leica LAS

Leica LAS-X is the standard software used for the Leica Microscopes. microscope-software-lifescience-lasaf2. A licensed version is available for use on the ...

Leica Microsystems Microscope Cameras & Software

The Leica product range covers digital Microscope Cameras with intuitive software for archiving, measurement, analysis and presentation. 100 % reproducibility ...

Leica Software Download

The core versions of the Leica Application Suite software are available for download below. Leica offers a modular based software platform with add on features ...

Microscope Imaging Software

Leica's microscope software makes imaging and documentation easy. Leica software is used extensively for medical, industrial & educational purposes.


LASXmicrocopesoftwareforallLeicamicroscopes:Itintegratesconfocal,widefield,stereo,super-resolution,andlight-sheetinstruments.,MicroscopeimagingsoftwarefromLeicaMicrosystemscombinesmicroscope,digitalcameraandaccessoriesintoonefullyintegratedsolution.,LeicaLAS-XisthestandardsoftwareusedfortheLeicaMicroscopes.microscope-software-lifescience-lasaf2.Alicensedversionisavailableforuseonthe ...,TheLei...