

LG 360 VR for PC. This repository consists of a tool to get the headset display activated on a PC or Laptop (see LG360VRActivator) and a shader plugin for VLC ...

LG 360 Degree VR

Discover total 360 degree immersion with the LG 360 VR for the LG G5 and reinvent the way you see your world. Explore a rapidly growing library of ...

LG 360 Virtual Reality (VR) Headset - LG G5

Get the immersive experience of 360° Virtual Reality with the LG 360 VR, boasting a lightweight design that instantly plunges you into another world.

Lg 360 vr on pc

2019年4月23日 — There is. The link to the software is https://www.refugio3d.com/VRMagic.zip. The app works quit good in mirror mode.

LG 360 VR PC adapter

2018年2月1日 — There is a dongle available from a company in South Korea that enables PC use (for movies and Youtube) specifically for the 360 VR. It basically ...

LG R100 原廠360 VR 虛擬實境眼鏡(LG G5專屬配件) 含 ...

LG R100 原廠360 VR 虛擬實境眼鏡(LG G5專屬配件) 含遮光罩環景攝影機智慧穿戴裝置智慧眼鏡鏡腳可折輕巧便攜聯強貨. ◇操控簡易 ◇享受360° 精彩內容 ◇享受與眾不同的 ...

Releases · bauermaximilianLG-360-VR-for

An updated development build, containing both the LG 360 VR Activator application and the shader for VLC. What's new: The display should now turn on right ...

在電腦上下載LG 360 VR Home

2017年1月1日 — Android 模擬器上的LG 360 VR Home for PC 將讓您在Windows 計算機上獲得更激動人心的移動體驗。 讓我們玩LG 360 VR Home,享受歡樂時光。

關於LG 360 VR 連線上其他手機

2016年9月20日 — 請問有神人成功的將LG 360 VR 連線上其他手機嗎?小弟有兩支手機V10(自用) G5+LG 360 VR(女王的生日禮物)個人想研究VR影片製作,因未來空間設計上,3D ...


LG360VRforPC.ThisrepositoryconsistsofatooltogettheheadsetdisplayactivatedonaPCorLaptop(seeLG360VRActivator)andashaderpluginforVLC ...,Discovertotal360degreeimmersionwiththeLG360VRfortheLGG5andreinventthewayyouseeyourworld.Explorearapidlygrowinglibraryof ...,Gettheimmersiveexperienceof360°VirtualRealitywiththeLG360VR,boastingalightweightdesignthatinstantlyplungesyouintoanotherworld.,2019年4月23...