LG Optimus G Pro



HD Camera Pro & Selfie Camera 5.2.1 for LG V20

評分 7.6/10 (18,489) · 免費 · Android HD Camera Pro is a fully featured free Camera app, with Quick Snap, Gorgeous Camera Effects you can easily take HD Quality photo on Android phones and tablets.

LG 智慧型相機,Full HD 1080p 30 fps,電視網路攝影機,磁性附件 ...

供應中 評分 1.0 (2) Amazon.com: LG 智慧型相機,Full HD 1080p 30 fps,電視網路攝影機,磁性附件,VC23GA,2023 : 電子.

AN-VC22PR | Healthcare Hospital TV

12MP Main Camera. The 12MP (Mega Pixel) camera enables the LG Smart Cam Pro to deliver detailed images and videos clearly. Users can achieve a close focus ...

LG Smart Cam 智慧視訊鏡頭- VC23GA

主要功能. 支援多種互動體驗(遠端視訊、運動鏡射動作對比等); 磁吸及纖薄設計,與LG電視完美搭配; 內建雙麥克風,可以廣域接收立體清晰聲音. 尋找我的產品型號與機號.

LG AN-VC22PR: Smart Cam Pro

The 12MP (Mega Pixel) camera enables the LG Smart Cam Pro to deliver detailed images and videos clearly. Users can achieve a close focus on faraway subjects ...

LG Smart Cam [VC23GA]

LG Smart Cam enhances your interactive experiences like video conferencing, fitness, and more with a high-definition camera, built-in dual mic and multi-view ...

LG Introduces 4K Smart Camera Solution for Healthcare Environments

LG Smart Cam Pro incorporates a 4K RGB main camera and a 4K night vision camera, each offering crisp, ultra-high definition (3,840 x 2,160) ...

LG G PRO 什麼都很棒只差相機~~~~

挑大螢幕手機挑很久了最後挑上LG G PRO 用了5天 大致上用得很順是順不是快(也算快辣) 螢幕很漂亮夠大 看電子書上網都很棒只是相機感覺不太夠力說1300 ...

強強滾p-LG CAM PLUS CBG-700 專業相機模組

供應中 評分 5.0 (1) LG CAM PLUS CBG-700 專業相機模組 商品狀況全新庫存品 商品規格適用於:LG G5 專業相機真實握感 專業相機一手掌控 內建1,200mAh 電池 此商品可讓您的G5成為數位相機, ...

LG Smart Cam Pro

The LG Smart Cam Pro telemedicine video camera was developed with future waves of viral infections, such as SARS-1, SARS-2 and MERS, in mind.


評分7.6/10(18,489)·免費·AndroidHDCameraProisafullyfeaturedfreeCameraapp,withQuickSnap,GorgeousCameraEffectsyoucaneasilytakeHDQualityphotoonAndroidphonesandtablets.,供應中評分1.0(2)Amazon.com:LG智慧型相機,FullHD1080p30fps,電視網路攝影機,磁性附件,VC23GA,2023:電子.,12MPMainCamera.The12MP(MegaPixel)cameraenablestheLGSmartCamProtodeliverdetailedimagesandvideosclearly.Userscanachieveaclosefocus ...,...