
LG G4 camera review

評分 4.5 (5) · In addition, the G4 comes with a new color spectrum sensor that reads RGB color and Infrared in order to recognize objects in a scene and their ...

LG's Most Ambitious G Series Smartphone

Colour Spectrum Sensor (CSS), the first feature of its kind to find its way into a smartphone improves colour accuracy. 5.5 inch Quad HD IPS Quantum Display ...

LG G4:充滿企圖心的智慧型手機代表作

LG 率先在G4 加入首見於智慧型手機的CSS 色彩光譜感應器(Color Spectrum Sensor),使相機功能更臻完美。CSS 色彩光譜感應器可精準判讀場景周圍光源的 ...

最強G 系列智能手機LG G4 時尚型格及強大功能兼備帶來極緻用戶體驗

LG G4亦率先加入首見於智能手機的Colour Spectrum Sensor色譜感應器,準確量度周圍環境光線的RGB數據,並透過紅外線反射測量主體的顏色,藉以調整相機的白平衡及閃光燈 ...

LG G4 color spectrum sensor explained

This new sensor is there to measure the ambient light and its purpose is to determine the source of light - whether its artificial or natural, ...

Has anyone ever tested the color spectrum sensor and laser ...

I covered it and no difference in speed it focus. LG could simply wire it up so that the red light fires when the camera is on...

LG G4 Color Sensor Demo

LG G4 Color Sensor Demo. 12K views · 9 years ago ...more ... LG G4 - Color Spectrum & Laser Auto Focus Sensor. TechCloud•22K views.

LG G4 color spectrum sensor demo

PhoneArena presents a video demonstrating the LG G4's color spectrum sensor. -------- PhoneArena.com is your ultimate source of mobile tech ...

White Balance with the Color Spectrum Sensor with LG G4

White Balance with the Color Spectrum Sensor with LG G4 · Comments1. thumbnail-image. Add a comment... 7:21. Go to channel · Two TV settings ...


評分4.5(5)·Inaddition,theG4comeswithanewcolorspectrumsensorthatreadsRGBcolorandInfraredinordertorecognizeobjectsinasceneandtheir ...,ColourSpectrumSensor(CSS),thefirstfeatureofitskindtofinditswayintoasmartphoneimprovescolouraccuracy.5.5inchQuadHDIPSQuantumDisplay ...,LG率先在G4加入首見於智慧型手機的CSS色彩光譜感應器(ColorSpectrumSensor),使相機功能更臻完美。CSS色彩光譜感應器可精準判讀場景周圍...