White Balance with the Color Spectrum Sensor with LG G4

TheG4representsamajorrefreshovertheG3though,withachangetothesensor,optics,andanewwhitebalancesensorthatincorporatesbothIRandvisible ...,評分4.5(5)·The16MP1/2.6-inchCMOSsensorisatouchlargerthanthe1/3-inchsensorsinmanyotherphones,andtheF1.8aperture...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The LG G4 Review - Camera Architecture and UX

The G4 represents a major refresh over the G3 though, with a change to the sensor, optics, and a new white balance sensor that incorporates both IR and visible ...

LG G4 camera review

評分 4.5 (5) · The 16MP 1/2.6-inch CMOS sensor is a touch larger than the 1/3-inch sensors in many other phones, and the F1.8 aperture is the fastest among the ...

83吋 LG OLED evo AI 4K 語音物聯網G4 零間隙藝廊系列(含壁掛架 ...

供應中 評分 4.9 (3,001) 無論是白天還是黑夜,亮度控制會偵測您空間中的光線,並相應地平衡畫面,呈現清晰明亮的畫面。 LG OLED G4無論是白天還是黑夜,亮度控制會偵測您空間.

最強G 系列智能手機LG G4 時尚型格及強大功能兼備帶來極緻用戶體驗

LG G4亦率先加入首見於智能手機的Colour Spectrum Sensor色譜感應器,準確量度周圍環境光線的RGB數據,並透過紅外線反射測量主體的顏色,藉以調整相機的白平衡及閃光燈 ...

65吋 LG OLED evo AI 4K 語音物聯網G4 零間隙藝廊系列(含壁掛架 ...

供應中 評分 4.9 (3,001) LG OLED 領先全球,多年來致力於創新技術。專為OLED 量身打造新一代α11 影音晶片將觀影體驗提升至全新境界。 朝右45 度角的LG OLED G4,螢幕上有粉紅色與. 播放影片

55吋 LG OLED evo AI 4K 語音物聯網G4 零間隙藝廊系列(含壁掛架 ...

供應中 評分 4.9 (3,001) LG OLED 領先全球,多年來致力於創新技術。專為OLED 量身打造新一代α11 影音晶片將觀影體驗提升至全新境界。 朝右45 度角的LG OLED G4,螢幕上有粉紅色與. 播放影片

LG G4 OLED TV Review

評分 9.2/10 · The LG G4 has incredible pre-calibration accuracy. The white balance and color accuracy is superb, with no noticeable issues at all. Color ...

LG G4 Camera Sensor, Laser Autofocus, and Software

Based on LG's spec sheet, the IMX234 is a 1/2.6 format sensor with a pixel size of 1.12μm, which is common for smartphone cameras. The native ...


後置攝像頭具有1600 萬像素傳感器,帶有af / 1.8光圈鏡頭,紅外有源自動對焦 ,三軸光學防抖和LED閃光燈。 「RGB色譜傳感器」位於閃光燈的下方,用來分析環境光線以優化白平衡和閃光顏色,從而生成更自然的圖像。 前置攝像頭為800萬像素,光圈為f / 2.0。


32 GB · microSDXC up to 2 TB · 3000 mAh Li-Po · 展开. 列表. Dual microphone; 3-axis gyroscope; 3-axis accelerometer proximity sensor · Ambient light sensor ...


TheG4representsamajorrefreshovertheG3though,withachangetothesensor,optics,andanewwhitebalancesensorthatincorporatesbothIRandvisible ...,評分4.5(5)·The16MP1/2.6-inchCMOSsensorisatouchlargerthanthe1/3-inchsensorsinmanyotherphones,andtheF1.8apertureisthefastestamongthe ...,供應中評分4.9(3,001)無論是白天還是黑夜,亮度控制會偵測您空間中的光線,並相應地平衡畫面,呈現清晰明亮的畫面。LGOLEDG4無論是白...