LG F60 A Complete Review



LG Optimus F6 review

評分 7.3/10 · Lynn La · The F6 is equipped with a swift dual-core processor, a bright 4.5-inch screen, and a 5-megapixel camera that's sure to make casual shutterbugs happy.

LG F60 - User opinions and reviews

Amazing phone. Compact 4.5 screen, usable with one hand, classic design with no frills. Very durable. Has a very basic android os almost like stock so pretty ...

LG F60 - Full phone specifications

A pretty nice phone with legitimately good performance for its specs even to this day (in 2019). 1gb of ram is getting tight for the ever more bloated apps.

LG MS395: Optimus F60

評分 4.0 (37) Turn heads with the LG Optimus F60™ - a smartphone that delivers a quick, super powered experience. MS395 4.0 out of 5 stars, average rating value. Read 37 ...

LG Optimus F6 (T-Mobile) Review

評分 3.0 · Rob Pegoraro · The LG Optimus F6 is a value-priced Android smartphone that cuts corners on storage and camera capabilities to hit its price mark.

Review: LG Optimus F60 for MetroPCS: Performance

LG's F60 is an entry-level Android smartphone that hits way above its weight. This phone may be inexpensive, but it easily outperforms more costly devices.

Review: LG Optimus F60 for MetroPCS: Wrap-Up

LG's F60 is an entry-level Android smartphone that hits way above its weight. This phone may be inexpensive, but it easily outperforms more costly devices.

LG F60LG Optimus F60 Full Review and Tour

In todays video I have a review of the LG F60/LG Optimus F60. A budget and entry level Android handset from LG. All in all, this is a great ...

LG F60 full review for metro pcs

Comments78 · LG F60/LG Optimus F60 Full Review and Tour · How Sociopaths Actually Work | Authorized Account | Insider · Best Laundry Detergent?

Any reviewsopinions on LG F60?

I'm looking for a new phone, maybe even downgrade. Currently have a Galaxy S3 (that I've messed up trying to root and can't fix) but I want ...


評分7.3/10·LynnLa·TheF6isequippedwithaswiftdual-coreprocessor,abright4.5-inchscreen,anda5-megapixelcamerathat'ssuretomakecasualshutterbugshappy.,Amazingphone.Compact4.5screen,usablewithonehand,classicdesignwithnofrills.Verydurable.Hasaverybasicandroidosalmostlikestocksopretty ...,Aprettynicephonewithlegitimatelygoodperformanceforitsspecseventothisday(in2019).1gboframisgettingtightfortheevermor...