LG V10 Camera port 1080p 60fps and manual video mode on LG G5

HiguysIjustwanttosharewithallofyouanewappforalllgv10phonesIttakephotoswitharesolutionof63.5MPonourV10isaw ...,評分8.1/10·VladSavov·ThenewLGV10Androidsmartphonehastwoselfieshootersandasecondscreen,bothsittingimmediatelyaboveits5.7-inchdisplay.,評...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Camera Super Pixel 63.5 MP photos on Lg v10

Hi guys I just want to share with all of you a new app for all lg v10 phones It take photos with a resolution of 63.5MP on our V10 i saw ...

LG V10 review

評分 8.1/10 · Vlad Savov · The new LG V10 Android smartphone has two selfie shooters and a second screen, both sitting immediately above its 5.7-inch display.

LG V10 review: Raising the bar on camera control

評分 8.2/10 · Lynn La · The sturdily designed LG V10 gives users more camera control with manual modes for both photos and video, a fingerprint sensor, two front-facing cameras for ...

Someone on XDA Developers has successfully ported the LG V10's ...

The main difference being that's there's a manual video mode for adjusting stuff like ISO and shutter speed while recording. It's more advanced ...

T-mobile LG V10 software recognition error

Hello to all, Respected members I have a LG v10 T-Mobile version with MM 6.0 stock version. I bought the phone today only.

V10 Camera App?

The video software on the V10 allows for the same type of manual control that the still camera does on the G4.

[No Root] V10 Camera fully working on G3 (updated)

Thank you so much for the V10 camera port in LG G3 ( Android D855 MM 6.0 series port A, B and C ). It is such a great camera apk. for me.

[Request] Can someone upload the camera apk?

I want to see if it is compatible with the G4 so that we can also have manual mode on video. Cheers!

[xda] V10 camera apk for MM : rlgg4

It works for me. Some of you might be interested. It works on MM. No root needed. There might be bugs. I didn't see this posted yet.

[免Root][XDA] V10相機app移植LG G4

[免Root][XDA] V10相機app移植LG G4 · 1. 可以用手動攝影模式 · 2. 手動攝影模式可以錄1080p @ 每秒60張 · 3. 手動攝影模式的:手動對焦, 色溫, EV調整都是 ...


HiguysIjustwanttosharewithallofyouanewappforalllgv10phonesIttakephotoswitharesolutionof63.5MPonourV10isaw ...,評分8.1/10·VladSavov·ThenewLGV10Androidsmartphonehastwoselfieshootersandasecondscreen,bothsittingimmediatelyaboveits5.7-inchdisplay.,評分8.2/10·LynnLa·ThesturdilydesignedLGV10givesusersmorecameracontrolwithmanualmodesforbothphotosandvideo,afingerprintsensor,twofront-facingcamerasfor .....