How to Use LICEcap to Create Gifs (Quick Tip)

2019年6月21日—本文介紹的LICEcap是直接將錄製結果存成gif,比較不會有破圖或是變色的問題。使用上也非常簡單,基本使用就是設定FPS及視窗大小就可以開始錄製啦。示範 ...,·5.3kstar...。參考影片的文章的如下:


LICEcap 錄製畫面直接存成gif

2019年6月21日 — 本文介紹的LICEcap 是直接將錄製結果存成gif ,比較不會有破圖或是變色的問題。使用上也非常簡單,基本使用就是設定FPS 及視窗大小就可以開始錄製啦。 示範 ...

LICEcap simple animated screen capture tool for Windows ...

LICEcap simple animated screen capture tool for Windows and OS X. · 5.3k stars 443 forks Branches Tags Activity.


LICEcap is a screen recording tool that is able to save images, GIFs and even short videos. This can be used for making tutorials or if you're having a hard ...

Download LICEcap - free

Download LICEcap for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 404 downloads this month. Download LICEcap latest version 2024.


LICEcap is an easy-to-use, popular, and free desktop utility program to capture a specific area of your screen. It allows you to export the selection in GIF ...


A tutorial about LICEcap screenrecorder, to be natively used on both Windows and Mac! For this tutorial, I'll be covering installing and using the Mac-version.

How to make a GIF for a screen recording with LICEcap

A super easy way to create a GIF is using LICEcap. With this program, a screen recording will automatically be converted into a GIF file.


Features and options: Record directly to .GIF or .LCF. Move the screen capture frame while recording. Pause and restart recording, with optional inserted text ...

LICEcap — simple GIF recorder

After pressing record you choose destination file and can configure couple basic settings. Then (after preroll pause) recording starts and captures everything ...


2019年6月21日—本文介紹的LICEcap是直接將錄製結果存成gif,比較不會有破圖或是變色的問題。使用上也非常簡單,基本使用就是設定FPS及視窗大小就可以開始錄製啦。示範 ...,·5.3kstars443forksBranchesTagsActivity.,LICEcapisascreenrecordingtoolthatisabletosaveimages,GIFsandevenshortvideos.Thiscanbeusedformakingtutorialsorifyou'rehav...

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔

ScreenToGif 2.33.1 螢幕錄影輸出動態圖檔
