Licence and license sound identical but they are used differently. In the UK, 'license' is a verb, but 'licence' is the noun. 'Licence' is not used at all ...
The word licence is a noun, while the word license reflects a verb. Simply speaking, C is the denotation of a noun, while S is the denotation of a verb.
2018年10月1日 — If you live in any other English-speaking country, you will spell it licence when you use it as a noun and license when you use it as a verb.
If you are using the word as a verb, choose license. License the preferred spelling of the verb form of this word in both American and British English.
License—Spelling Rules. License is both a noun and a verb in the United States. If you live in any other English-speaking country, you will spell it licence when you use it as a noun and license when you use it as a verb.
2024年1月18日 — Licence is the preferred spelling when referring to a permit or permission for various activities, such as driving, hunting, or practicing a profession.
2022年9月1日 — Both licence and license are correct spellings of the same word. The difference in spelling largely comes down to regional differences. In ...