
Laptop in sleep state wakes when lid is closed

If the laptop goes to sleep (after 5 minutes of inactivity) and then the lid is closed, it wakes up again. I can tell it wakes up again because the glowing  ...

HsOjoSleeperX: MacBook prevent idlelid sleep ...

SleeperX ... Auto disable sleep on use AC power. And it can disable idle sleep or lid sleep! This program can work normally in macOS 10.14/10.15/11. Multiple ...

Modern Standby

Modern Standby starts when the user causes the system to enter sleep (e.g user pressing the power button, closing the lid, idling out, or ...

Laptop goes to sleep while gaming with lid closed.

Today i shut the lid and was playing off the tv via hdmi and after about 5 min the thing went to sleep! All power settings set to never sleep (bat or plugin).

Laptop with External Monitor and lid closed wont idle or sleep

The only solution that I've found it just to put it into sleep before closing the lid (Though when you have it in sleep you don't really need to ...

Laptop ignores power settings, closing lid always sleepshibernates ...

Power settings, for both battery and plugged-in, are set so that the laptop will never power off disks/monitor, sleep nor hibernate.


I would like to know if there's a tool or script to decide, when I put the laptop to sleep, whether that sleep should be deep or s2idle.

How to disable sleep and configure lid power settings for Ubuntu or ...

Follow the steps outlined in this article to disable sleep or to configure the lid power settings for a Dell laptop with Ubuntu or Red Hat Linux 7 installed.

It still goes to sleep when I close the lid with these settings. Plz help.

It goes to sleep when you close the lid unless there is an external display attached. Changing your battery settings above won't change this fact.

Is there a way to disable auto sleep when you close laptop's lid?

Right click the battery icon in the bottom right corner to get there. There will be option to set the action on power button press, lid close ...


Ifthelaptopgoestosleep(after5minutesofinactivity)andthenthelidisclosed,itwakesupagain.Icantellitwakesupagainbecausetheglowing ...,SleeperX...AutodisablesleeponuseACpower.Anditcandisableidlesleeporlidsleep!ThisprogramcanworknormallyinmacOS10.14/10.15/11.Multiple ...,ModernStandbystartswhentheusercausesthesystemtoentersleep(e.guserpressingthepowerbutton,closingthelid,idlingout,or ...,Todayishutt...