line-height auto
line-height auto

DiscoverhowyoucanusetheCSSlineheightpropertytoensureyourwebdocumentlooksgreatandfunctionsseamlessly.,Theline-heightpropertydefinestheamountofspaceaboveandbelowinlineelements.Thatis,elementsthataresettodisplay:inlineordisplay:inline- ...,Theline-h...

CSS line-height property


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Your Guide to the CSS Line Height Property

Discover how you can use the CSS line height property to ensure your web document looks great and functions seamlessly.

Line-height | CSS

The line-height property defines the amount of space above and below inline elements. That is, elements that are set to display: inline or display: inline- ...

line-height - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

The line-height CSS property sets the height of a line box in horizontal writing modes. In vertical writing modes, it sets the width of a line box.

Auto Resize Line Height - Webflow Tips

Set the top class (All H1 Headings, All H2 Headings, etc) line height to “1.2-”. This will allow line height to automatically adjust to the size of your text ...

Line-height - 金魚都能懂的CSS必學屬性

line-height基本上僅需指定一個值,其撰寫方式像是這樣 line-height: 1;. line-height的作用是設定文字的行高,其中設定的值多以數值為主,使用關鍵字則是使用通用關鍵字, ...

深入CSS 之line-height 應用

line-height 有5 種屬性:normal、純數字、帶單位值、百分比、繼承。行高由line-height 決定,避免文字截斷需注意字型與行高設置。建議先理解box model,確保 ... MUKI AI Summary · 什麼是line-height · line-height 屬性及作用 · 預設值

How does height:auto interact with line-height:0 and different font

The height of div is equal to the line-height. The reason why your line-height becomes non-0 is because you have different font-sizes.

Is there something like an auto line-height? - css

I have a box in CSS with fixed dimensions, enough to fit any of my texts. I don't want white space between the end of the text and the bottom box border.

Line Height Auto : rFigmaDesign

When Figma line height is set to Auto, does anyone know how that's calculated? Is it the typeface/fonts default line height?

CSS line-height property

The line-height property specifies the height of a line. Note: Negative values are not allowed. Show demo


DiscoverhowyoucanusetheCSSlineheightpropertytoensureyourwebdocumentlooksgreatandfunctionsseamlessly.,Theline-heightpropertydefinestheamountofspaceaboveandbelowinlineelements.Thatis,elementsthataresettodisplay:inlineordisplay:inline- ...,Theline-heightCSSpropertysetstheheightofalineboxinhorizontalwritingmodes.Inverticalwritingmodes,itsetsthewidthofalinebox.,Setthetopclass(AllH1Headings,AllH2Hea...