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What causes stale NFS file handles?

Change the file id size from 64-bits to 32-bits in NFS Server, there is stale file handle error and below messages in /var/log/messages.

mount.nfs: Stale file handle的解决方法转载

解决方法: 其实解决办法很简单,就是在client上把那个文档umount掉。可是其实做起来很难,因为经常会得到is busy的错误。

NFS故障:Stale NFS file handle的解决一例原创

文章《Stale NFS file handle 问题分析和总结》分析了从代码角度的意义,也就是文件的Link count计数不对导致的这个问题,对linux系统来说,文件的引用计数为 ...

Automatically Resolve NFS Stale File Handle Errors

We've also established that a stale file handle error means that this reference is out-of-date or otherwise invalid. So what could cause this ...

Stale NFS file handle, tried a bunch of fixes with no luck

As usual, the fix is to unmount and remount, which involves stopping all the applications that are using the share. Is there any advice on ...

Dreaded Nfs Stale File Handle

The Stale File handle really does seem to be a serious bug in nfs that has been there for at least 10 years by now. One simply should NOT have to reboot.

Resolving Stale File Handle Error on Linux Systems (KBA1037)

Resolution · Ensure no processes are accessing the mount point(s) by using lsof and searching the stale mount point: · Check what the PID is doing ...

Stale NFS file handle after reboot - linux networking

The stale NFS handle indicates that the client has a file open, but the server no longer recognizes the file handle. In some cases, NFS will ...

What does 'stale file handle' in Linux mean? - unix

You get a stale file handle message because you asked for some nonexistent data. When you perform a cd operation, the shell reevaluates the inode location.

mount.nfs: Stale file handle error

Stale file handle error means that the NFS server holds an old version of the files in his export path. An NFS server restart can sometimes help ...


Changethefileidsizefrom64-bitsto32-bitsinNFSServer,thereisstalefilehandleerrorandbelowmessagesin/var/log/messages.,解决方法:其实解决办法很简单,就是在client上把那个文档umount掉。可是其实做起来很难,因为经常会得到isbusy的错误。,文章《StaleNFSfilehandle问题分析和总结》分析了从代码角度的意义,也就是文件的Linkcount计数不对导致的这个问题,对linux系统来说,文件的引用计数为 ...,We'vealsoestablishedt...