
Landscape Data in SLD and LMDB

The data from the SLD is replicated into the LMDB of SAP Solution Manager. The LMDB is a central, built-in repository for all SAP Solution Manager applications ...

Landscape Management Database (LMDB)

The SAP Solution Manager landscape management database (LMDB) is the central landscape information repository. A system landscape description is the basis for ...

Landscape Management Database (LMDB)

The Landscape Management Database (LMDB) is the central landscape directory in SAP Focused Run . The LMDB describes the landscape elements similar to the system landscape directory (SLD). Typical model elements include computers, systems, products, a

Landscape Management Database (LMDB)

LMDB is acting as a single source of truth for landscape data in the SAP Solution Manager 7.1. It must always have a higher rank than the connected SLDs.

Landscape Management Database

The Landscape Management Database (LMDB) is part of SAP Solution Manager, providing central access to all landscape data. The LMDB running gets information ...

LMDB Discovery - IT

Landscape Management Database (LMDB) is an integral component of SAP Solution Manager (SolMan) that provides access to all landscape-related ...

SAP SLD - LMDB Types of Integration

How many ways SLD can be integrated with LMDB on SAP Solution Manager.

SLD – LMDB - SAP Basis Notes

SLD – LMDB · The Landscape Management Database (LMDB) is a directory of elements of a system landscape. · LMDB is ABAP equivalent of SLD · LMDB ...

Support Tool: LMDB Administration

The administration UI of the landscape management database (LMDB) is an expert tool, mainly used by system support staff.


ThedatafromtheSLDisreplicatedintotheLMDBofSAPSolutionManager.TheLMDBisacentral,built-inrepositoryforallSAPSolutionManagerapplications ...,TheSAPSolutionManagerlandscapemanagementdatabase(LMDB)isthecentrallandscapeinformationrepository.Asystemlandscapedescriptionisthebasisfor ...,TheLandscapeManagementDatabase(LMDB)isthecentrallandscapedirectoryinSAPFocusedRun.TheLMDBdescribesthelandscapeelemen...


