How to update your Lumia Windows Phone to lastest version ...

2014年9月4日—TheLumiaDenimUpdateprovidesfeaturesthatareexclusivetoLumia.Wealwaysstrivetobringnewfeaturestoeveryone,butsomeofwhichare ...,2023年5月18日—Toensureyouhavethelatestupdateinstalled,gotoSettings,about,andtapmoreinfotoseethenewestversiono...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Full of features: Lumia Denim Update

2014年9月4日 — The Lumia Denim Update provides features that are exclusive to Lumia. We always strive to bring new features to everyone, but some of which are ...

How to install Lumia Denim with Windows Phone 8.1.1 ...

2023年5月18日 — To ensure you have the latest update installed, go to Settings, about, and tap more info to see the newest version of your software, “Lumia ...

Lumia Denim & Windows Phone 8.1 GDR1 update ...

Lumia Denim & Windows Phone 8.1 GDR1 update (Windows Phone 8.1 update 1) Guide: Full changelog & exclusive coverage.

Lumia Denim更新正式啟動讓你的Lumia手機更加強大

Lumia Denim 更新正式啟動,讓你的Lumia 手機更加強大你手中的Lumia 手機又一次得到進化!在2015 年開始,融合了最新Windows Phone 8.1 升級版功能、貼心 ...

Microsoft Lumia Phone Update

2020年8月26日 — The phone can't be updated to Windows 10 from Windows Phone 8.1 and the last update for the phone is the Lumia Denim update. If my reply is ...

WP 8.1 latest official update in 2023

2023年5月17日 — When I have recieved it, it was on Lumia Denim software (Windows Phone 8.1 updated) but I have formatted it directly on the system, and it's ...

微軟宣佈Lumia Denim 系統更新正式啟動,多款手機可升級!

Lumia 即將再次進化!Lumia Denim 更新已經陸續推向Lumia 智慧型手機,融合了最新的Windows Phone 8.1 更新功能和Lumia 智慧型手機獨有的體驗,Lumia Denim 是繼Lumia ...

微軟宣佈啟動Lumia Denim 更新推送

Lumia 即將再次進化!Lumia Denim 更新已經陸續推向Lumia 智慧型手機,融合了最新的Windows Phone 8.1 更新功能和Lumia 智慧型手機獨有的體驗,Lumia Denim 是繼Lumia ...


2014年9月4日—TheLumiaDenimUpdateprovidesfeaturesthatareexclusivetoLumia.Wealwaysstrivetobringnewfeaturestoeveryone,butsomeofwhichare ...,2023年5月18日—Toensureyouhavethelatestupdateinstalled,gotoSettings,about,andtapmoreinfotoseethenewestversionofyoursoftware,“Lumia ...,LumiaDenim&WindowsPhone8.1GDR1update(WindowsPhone8.1update1)Guide:Fullchangelog&exclusivecoverage.,LumiaDenim更新正式...