Installing Azure Storage Explorer



Azure Storage Explorer

Easily manage your Azure storage accounts in the cloud, from Windows, macOS, or Linux, using Azure Storage Explorer.

Azure 儲存體總管

從Windows、macOS 或Linux 使用Azure 儲存體總管,輕鬆在雲端中管理您的Azure 儲存體帳戶。

Azure Storage Explorer – cloud storage management

Easily manage your Azure storage accounts in the cloud, from Windows, macOS, or Linux, using Azure Storage Explorer.


Name: Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer. Explorer for Azure Storage.

Releases · microsoftAzureStorageExplorer · GitHub

Easily manage the contents of your storage account with Azure Storage Explorer. Upload, download, and manage blobs, files, queues, tables, and Cosmos DB ...

Get started with Storage Explorer

Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer is a standalone app that makes it easy to work with Azure Storage data on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Overview · Prerequisites

Download Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer for Mac

Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer helps you upload, download, and manage Azure blobs, files, queues, and tables, as well as Azure Cosmos DB and ...

Any Azure Storage viewer available for Mac? [closed]

You can browse storage containers and blobs via the Azure portal itself - look at the Containers tab under your storage account within the portal.

