How to connect a macOS device to an SMB share

,2018年1月18日—IntheConnecttoServerwindowthatopens,nexttotheAddress:field,typesmb://,followedbythefullyqualifieddomainname(FQDN)orIP ...,ToconnecttoanSMBfileserverusingadifferentusername,youcanusethisprocedure:IntheFinder,choosetheGomenu,thensele...。參考影片的文章的如下:


In Mac OS X, how do I connect to network servers or ...

2018年1月18日 — In the Connect to Server window that opens, next to the Address: field, type smb:// , followed by the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP ...

Connect to a File Server with a Specific Username (macOS)

To connect to an SMB file server using a different username, you can use this procedure: In the Finder, choose the Go menu, then select Connect to Server.

Connect your Mac to shared computers and servers

In the Finder on your Mac, choose Go > Connect to Server. · Type the network address for the computer or server in the Server Address field. · Click Connect.

Connect to your Mac or PC via SMB

How to connect via SMB on your Mac: · In the macOS System Preferences, go to Sharing, and enable File Sharing. · Open Documents on your iPad or iPhone and tap the ...

Access an SMB file system from a macOS client by using ...

2022年8月3日 — In the menu bar of the macOS client desktop, choose Go > Connect to Server. mac004; In the Connect to Server dialog box, enter the domain ...

How to Connect Your macOS Device to an SMB Share

2018年4月9日 — Setting up your Mac as an SMB server · Open System Settings from the Apple menu. · Select General | Sharing. · Click the “i” beside File Sharing.

Connecting to a network shared drive on macOS

1. Go to Finder -> Go -> Connect to Server... (or you can press Command+K): · 2. Enter smb:// + the name of the server + . · 3. You will be presented ...


,2018年1月18日—IntheConnecttoServerwindowthatopens,nexttotheAddress:field,typesmb://,followedbythefullyqualifieddomainname(FQDN)orIP ...,ToconnecttoanSMBfileserverusingadifferentusername,youcanusethisprocedure:IntheFinder,choosetheGomenu,thenselectConnecttoServer.,IntheFinderonyourMac,chooseGo>ConnecttoServer.·TypethenetworkaddressforthecomputerorserverintheServerAddressfield.·ClickConnect....