
Bring Dashboard Back

In this mockup, Dashboard overlays the desktop with Widgets to show various bits of information - from music controls and sticky notes to maps and weather.

Dashboard (macOS)

Included widgets · Address Book (now known as Contacts) · Business · Calculator · Calendar · Dictionary · Flight Tracker · iTunes Controller—no longer included in ... Graphics · Creation of widgets · Included widgets · Widgets on iOS

Widgets – A Replacement for the macOS Dashboard

Widgets is now available (macOS USA). It looks like Apple is killing the Dashboard with the “Catalina” macOS 10.15 update.

Add and customize widgets on Mac

On your Mac, add widgets to the desktop or Notification Center so you can keep tabs on your schedule, favorite devices, the weather, top headlines, and more.

Add and customise widgets on Mac

On your Mac, add widgets to the desktop or Notification Centre so you can keep tabs on your schedule, favourite devices, the weather, top headlines and more.

Dashboard Widgets For Mac Os X: Visual Quickstart Guide

書名:Dashboard Widgets For Mac Os X: Visual Quickstart Guide,語言:英文,ISBN:0321330218,頁數:272,作者:Smith, Dori,出版日期:2010/12/31,類別:自然科普.

Download Dashboard Widgets Software for Mac

MacUpdate's software library contains more than 66 Dashboard Widgets apps designed for Mac owners. Choose the best app and download it today for free.

Is there an archive of all the dashboard widgets? : rmac

Apple's webpage for downloading dashboard widgets no longer exists. Has anyone made an archive of all the dashboard widgets?

Website to play around with old Mac dashboard widgets

I was just thinking about Dashboard. I really loved being able to see a calendar and world clock with one mouse gesture.

How to add widgets to the Mac desktop | Apple Support

4:58 Go to channel How to transfer data from your old Mac to a new Mac using Migration Assistant | Apple Support


Inthismockup,DashboardoverlaysthedesktopwithWidgetstoshowvariousbitsofinformation-frommusiccontrolsandstickynotestomapsandweather.,Includedwidgets·AddressBook(nowknownasContacts)·Business·Calculator·Calendar·Dictionary·FlightTracker·iTunesController—nolongerincludedin ...Graphics·Creationofwidgets·Includedwidgets·WidgetsoniOS,Widgetsisnowavailable(macOSUSA).ItlookslikeAppleiskillingtheDashboar...

Horloger v1.0 - 漂亮精美的桌面時鐘

Horloger v1.0 - 漂亮精美的桌面時鐘
