4 Ways to Open a File on the Mac

2023年2月7日—Youcanalsoopenafilefromthekeyboard.SelectafileinaFinderwindoworontheDesktop,andpressCommand-down-arrow.Aswithdouble- ...,TheeasysolutionforaccessingMacdisks,drives,andevenRAIDvolumesinWindows.Tryforfree.5-day,fullyfunctionaltrial.,Wi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


12 Ways to Open Files on a Mac

2023年2月7日 — You can also open a file from the keyboard. Select a file in a Finder window or on the Desktop, and press Command-down-arrow. As with double- ...


The easy solution for accessing Mac disks, drives, and even RAID volumes in Windows. Try for free. 5-day, fully functional trial.

Zip for Mac

With WinZip for Mac 2.0 or later, you can right-click (or press CTRL and click) your saved Zip files and use the Context Menu to unzip them.

Choose an app to open a file on Mac

Control-click the file, choose Open With, then choose an app. Open the app, then choose File > Open.

Open Any File on the Mac App Store

Open Any File shows compatible apps installed on your Mac and helps you to search on the web with the click of a button. Open Any File also shows advanced ...

The Unarchiver

The Unarchiver is the only app you need to open RAR on Mac. It's times more powerful than the native macOS utility and supports infinitely more archive formats.

Open All Files: File Viewer for Mac

It provides a very convenient viewing over files that are stored on Mac computers. Users simply drag and drop the file of their preference to this software.

Change the default application that opens a file

Change the default application in macOS. On the Choose an application dialog box. Example 1: Change the default application to open .PDF files.

How to find any file on macOS

2024年4月10日 — You can use Spotlight to look for files as well as apps, websites, news, word definitions, and more. Just load it on-screen via Cmd + Space or ...


2023年2月7日—Youcanalsoopenafilefromthekeyboard.SelectafileinaFinderwindoworontheDesktop,andpressCommand-down-arrow.Aswithdouble- ...,TheeasysolutionforaccessingMacdisks,drives,andevenRAIDvolumesinWindows.Tryforfree.5-day,fullyfunctionaltrial.,WithWinZipforMac2.0orlater,youcanright-click(orpressCTRLandclick)yoursavedZipfilesandusetheContextMenutounzipthem.,Control-clickthefile,chooseOpenWith,t...