
Rocket equivalent for gifs?

2022年4月4日 — Is there any Mac app out there like Rocket but for gifs? I'm looking for something just like rocket where you can type a keyword anywhere and ...

Gifski on the Mac App Store

Convert videos to high-quality GIFs. Gifski converts videos to animated GIFs that use thousands of colors per frame. This is made possible by some fancy ...


Rocket is a free Mac app that makes typing emoji faster and easier using Slack-style shortcuts ... Use Rocket to send and store gifs, images, and memes; Set ...

Download free Gifrocket for macOS

2024年6月27日 — Gifrocket is a simple Mac program designed to help you convert your favorite clips to the GIF file format with just a few clicks.

Gifrocket for Mac

2014年12月25日 — A Free Design & Photography program for Mac ; GIF Brewery. 3.3. Free ; GIPHY Capture. The GIF Maker. 3.2. Free ; Scribbles. 3.9. Trial version.


Custom gifs and images can be added to Rocket once it has been licensed. After you purchase Rocket, you will be emailed a link to download a collection of gifs.

Mac Pick

2016年10月19日 — Aaron Hillegass' pick of the week on MacBreak Weekly 529 is Gif Rocket for Mac. This is a very handy tool for creating your own animated Gif ...

Mac 上最好用的EmojiMeme 輸入App — Rocket

2021年10月26日 — 1. Rocket 是什麼? Rocket 是一款專門給Mac使用者的表情符號輸入工具 ... 使用Rocket 快速加入圖片或Gif. 如果懶得上網下載圖片/Gif、特殊字元 ...


2022年4月4日—IsthereanyMacappouttherelikeRocketbutforgifs?I'mlookingforsomethingjustlikerocketwhereyoucantypeakeywordanywhereand ...,Convertvideostohigh-qualityGIFs.GifskiconvertsvideostoanimatedGIFsthatusethousandsofcolorsperframe.Thisismadepossiblebysomefancy ...,RocketisafreeMacappthatmakestypingemojifasterandeasierusingSlack-styleshortcuts...UseRockettosendandstoregifs,images,andmemes;Set ...

【Mac】 GIF Brewery 3 螢幕錄製 GIF 的簡單工具

【Mac】 GIF Brewery 3 螢幕錄製 GIF 的簡單工具
