
How to Add Launchpad to the Dock on a Mac

2020年7月5日 — With the Applications folder open, locate the Launchpad icon. Click and drag it toward the Dock.

I removed Launchpad from dock by mistake, what's the ...

2022年8月7日 — Find the Launchpad application in the Applications folder and hold and drag it down with your mouse to the position where you want it in the ...

restore launchpad to dock

2022年6月6日 — Open Finder, click on the Applications folder on the left side panel, then look for the Launchpad app there and drag it onto the dock.

You might want to keep the launchpad icon in the dock. ...

2023年12月2日 — There are lots of ways to do most things on macOS; if putting Launchpad in the dock works for you, that's great — nothing wrong with doing that.

在Mac 上使用「啟動台」來檢視和打開App

打開和關閉「啟動台」 · 打開「啟動台」:按一下Dock 中的「啟動台」圖像 (或使用功能列)。 · 關閉「啟動台」而不打開App:按一下任何位置(除了App 以外),或按下Esc。


2020年7月5日—WiththeApplicationsfolderopen,locatetheLaunchpadicon.ClickanddragittowardtheDock.,2022年8月7日—FindtheLaunchpadapplicationintheApplicationsfolderandholdanddragitdownwithyourmousetothepositionwhereyouwantitinthe ...,,2022年6月6日—OpenFinder,clickontheApplicationsfolderontheleftsidepanel,thenlookfortheLaunchpadappthereanddragitontothedock.,2023年12月2日—Therearelotsofwaystodomostthi...