
Any App Cleaner that works on Sonoma?

2023年8月8日 — In AppCleaner settings, enable SmartDelete. It'll watch for app uninstalls and trigger a cleanup window a few seconds later.


AppCleaner is a small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps. ... For macOS Mojave up to Sonoma · Version 3.6. For macOS High Sierra ( ...

AppCleaner for Mac

AppCleaner is a utility that allows you to easily uninstall apps on your macOS that gives you a detailed view into each of the applications. It also lets ...

AppCleaner for Mac

AppCleaner is a small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps. Installing an application distributes many files throughout your ...

Appcleaner for Mac 軟件終極評論2024 及其替代品

2023年9月6日 — Appcleaner 是一款免費軟件工具,專為想要回收存儲空間並享受更快、更高效計算體驗的Mac 用戶而設計。 它的工作原理是掃描您的Mac 中未使用和不必要的文件 ...

Download AppCleaner for Mac

AppCleaner allows you to uninstall your apps easily. It searches the files created by the applications and you can delete them quickly.

How to clean uninstall macOS apps using AppCleaner ...

2024年5月11日 — Setup guide · Step 1: create /usr/local/bin directory · Step 2: download app-cleaner.sh (PGP signature, PGP public key).

乾淨卸載Mac 應用程式- AppCleaner 是最佳幫手

2020年2月16日 — 透過本篇介紹的這款AppCleaner 就能幫你乾淨卸載Mac 應用程式以確保空間不被垃圾佔用哦! 你知道嗎?macOS 和Windows 的app 刪除原理不一樣. 如果你剛從 ...


2020年2月3日 — AppCleaner 是Mac 用戶必備的一款最佳Mac移除程式工具,能夠徹底刪除相關檔案,防止有些無用的設定或紀錄等暫存會留存在Mac系統內,像是Office 、舊 ...


2023年8月8日—InAppCleanersettings,enableSmartDelete.It'llwatchforappuninstallsandtriggeracleanupwindowafewsecondslater.,AppCleanerisasmallapplicationwhichallowsyoutothoroughlyuninstallunwantedapps....FormacOSMojaveuptoSonoma·Version3.6.FormacOSHighSierra( ...,AppCleanerisautilitythatallowsyoutoeasilyuninstallappsonyourmacOSthatgivesyouadetailedviewintoeachoftheapplications.Italsolets ...,AppCl...