Evolution of Apple macOS (1984



List of Mac OS versions - Apple Wiki

The headings on this list indicate the Macintosh System bundle names; the bullet points indicate the version of the System File included in that bundle.

History of macOS - Apple Wiki

Mac OS X is the first real replacement for the older Mac OS, based on the OPENSTEP Unix operating system from NeXT. In addition to the original OPENSTEP ...

The full list of all macOS versions until 2025

The first ancestor of the macOS family was Mac OS X Public Beta released in 2000, followed by a public release of Mac OS X 10.0 in 2001. Let's recount the ... macOS Monterey features · macOS compatibility guide · macOS 11 Big Sur

查出Mac 所使用的macOS 版本

查出Mac 所使用的macOS 版本. 使用「關於這台Mac」查看Mac 所安裝的Mac 作業系統(macOS)版本,然後確認是否為最新版本。 查詢所安裝的macOS 版本. 查詢哪些macOS 版本是 ...

MacOS | Facts & History

The OS was introduced in 1984 to run the company's Macintosh line of personal computers (PCs). The Macintosh heralded the era of graphical user ...

An Illustrated History of macOS

The history of macOS started with a bear, not a cat: in September of 2000, Apple presented Kodiak. For 30$, users could purchase this first public Beta of ...

A Complete macOS Timeline

This article will walk you through the macOS timeline with a list of macOS versions — from its initial public release in 2001 to the most recent macOS, Ventura, ...

Latest macOS versions

macOS Version History​​ Mac OS X was launched more than two decades ago on March 24, 2001. There's been a lot of change over those two decades: ...


macOS版本歷史 ... 呢篇文講第十版MacOS開始(OS X及macOS)嘅版本歷史。想搵Mac OS前期版本嘅歷史嘅話,請睇Classic Mac OS。 Mac OS X係蘋果電腦作業系統產品線最新嘅Mac OS。


1999 年發布macOS Server 的首個版本Mac OS X Server 1.0,電腦版Mac OS X 10.0「Cheetah」於2001 年3 月24 日發布。2012 年蘋果將Mac OS X 更名為OS X,第一個使用此命名的 ...


TheheadingsonthislistindicatetheMacintoshSystembundlenames;thebulletpointsindicatetheversionoftheSystemFileincludedinthatbundle.,MacOSXisthefirstrealreplacementfortheolderMacOS,basedontheOPENSTEPUnixoperatingsystemfromNeXT.InadditiontotheoriginalOPENSTEP ...,ThefirstancestorofthemacOSfamilywasMacOSXPublicBetareleasedin2000,followedbyapublicreleaseofMacOSX10.0in2001.Let'srecountthe ...macOSMont...