在Mac App Store 上的「Window Manager .」
Move and resize applications windows to be able to work on multiple projects at the same time. Using keyboard shortcuts, you can change the ...
Activated by dragging, customizable keyboard shortcuts or via menu bar, Magnet declutters your screen by snapping windows into organized tiles. Copy, compare, ...
Rectangle Mac
Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas. Free and Open Source, Supports macOS 10.15+, Intel and Apple Silicon.
Wins makes your Mac experience more efficient with Windows-like window management features, quick splitting, and enhanced productivity tools. Dock Window ...
What's the best window manager? : rmacapps
I've used many: Magnet, Grid, Amethyst, 1Piece, Bettersnaptool, emmetapp, Lasso, Moom Rectangle Pro, Wins, Swish, Loop. I don't care for the ...