magnetoresistive ram
magnetoresistive ram

由SLnu著作·2010—MagnetoresistiveRAM(MRAM)offerssuchpossibility.MRAMhasjustenteredin2002with128kbitproduct,butithasimprovedtoreach16Mbitdensityinthe ...,Magnetoresistiverandom-accessmemory(MRAM)isatypeofnon-volatilerandom-accessmemorywhichstoresda...


AnMRAMisatypeofmemorythatstoresdatawithincellsofmagneticelements.Twoferromagneticplatesseparatedbyathininsulatorholdamagnetization.One ...

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Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM) ...

由 S Lnu 著作 · 2010 — Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM) offers such possibility. MRAM has just entered in 2002 with 128kbit product, but it has improved to reach 16 Mbit density in the ...

Magnetoresistive RAM

Magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM) is a type of non-volatile random-access memory which stores data in magnetic domains.

Scientists take a 'spin' onto magnetoresistive RAM

Magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) is the forerunning candidate for the next generation digital technology. However, manipulating MRAM efficiently ...

Magnetoresistive RAM - MRAM

Magnetoresistive RAM - MRAM · RENESAS. MRAM, Non-Volatile, 8Mb, 54MHz, WSON-8 · RENESAS. MRAM, Non-Volatile, 32 Mbit, 2.7 V to 3.6 V, FBGA-48, -40 °C to 85 °C.

MRAM (Magnetoresistive RAM) Online Store

Magnetoresistive random access memory, shortly known as MRAM is the latest RAM type that combines the functionality of SRAM and DRAM.

What is MRAM?

MRAM (Magnetic RAM) is a memory technology that uses electron spin to store information (an MRAM device is a Spintronics device). MRAM has the potential to ...


An MRAM is a type of memory that stores data within cells of magnetic elements. Two ferromagnetic plates separated by a thin insulator hold a magnetization. One ...

Magnetoresistive Random-Access Memory

MRAM (magnetoresistive random access memory) chip, based on a type of memory that could eventually replace both the high-speed memory in a computer and flash ...

What is MRAM (Magnetoresistive random access memory)?

MRAM (magnetoresistive random access memory) is a method of storing data bits using magnetic states instead of the electrical charges used by devices such as ...


磁阻式隨機存取記憶體(Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory,縮寫為MRAM),是一種非易失性記憶體技術,從1990年代開始發展。這個技術的擁護者認為,這個技術速度 ...


由SLnu著作·2010—MagnetoresistiveRAM(MRAM)offerssuchpossibility.MRAMhasjustenteredin2002with128kbitproduct,butithasimprovedtoreach16Mbitdensityinthe ...,Magnetoresistiverandom-accessmemory(MRAM)isatypeofnon-volatilerandom-accessmemorywhichstoresdatainmagneticdomains.,Magnetoresistiverandomaccessmemory(MRAM)istheforerunningcandidateforthenextgenerationdigitaltechnology.However,manipulatingMRAMef...