Puran Defrag Free Edition Overview by Majorgeeks.com

UseDefragglertodefragyourentireharddriveorindividualfiles-uniqueintheindustry.ThiscompactandWindowsapplicationwillfullysupportNTFS ...,SmartDefragcandefragmentfiles,folders,andentiredrivesasneededorscheduled.ItalsofeaturesSSDtrimmingtoprolongyour...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Download Defraggler

Use Defraggler to defrag your entire hard drive or individual files - unique in the industry. This compact and Windows application will fully support NTFS ...

Download Smart Defrag

Smart Defrag can defragment files, folders, and entire drives as needed or scheduled. It also features SSD trimming to prolong your SSD performance and life ...

downloading update for Smart Defrag from Major ...

2022年9月7日 — The fact that you can actually download them from majorgeeks says the site is not being blocked, but the files are being removed once downloaded ...


2024年1月10日 — Smart Defrag can defragment files, folders, and entire drives as needed or scheduled. https://majorgeeks.com/files/details/iobit_smartdefrag.


2018年4月26日 — Smart Defrag can defragment files, folder, and entire drives as needed or scheduled. It also features SSD trimming to prolong your SDD ...

Smart Defrag can defragment files, folders, and entire ...

2023年9月19日 — Smart Defrag can defragment files, folders, and entire drives as needed or scheduled. It also features SSD trimming to prolong your #SSD ...


UseDefragglertodefragyourentireharddriveorindividualfiles-uniqueintheindustry.ThiscompactandWindowsapplicationwillfullysupportNTFS ...,SmartDefragcandefragmentfiles,folders,andentiredrivesasneededorscheduled.ItalsofeaturesSSDtrimmingtoprolongyourSSDperformanceandlife ...,2022年9月7日—Thefactthatyoucanactuallydownloadthemfrommajorgeekssaysthesiteisnotbeingblocked,butthefilesarebeingremovedonced...

Registry Defrag - registry調校

Registry Defrag - registry調校
