How to Make an Order Form (With AI)



make an order - 英中 - Linguee


make an order for - 英中 - Linguee



do/make something to order. to do or make something especially for a person who has asked for it. 訂做,訂製. We make wedding cakes to order. 我們提供訂做婚禮 ... Out of order · Order of magnitude · Order form · The order of the day


MAKE SOMETHING TO ORDER的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to do or make something especially for a person who has asked for it: 2. to do or make…。了解更多。

make an order (【片語】) 意思、用法及發音

make an order 相關課程教材. Make your order and ask about the available payment methods.購買並詢問有哪些付費方式。 瀏覽教材. They ...

Make or place an order

Placed might work if you, for example, submit a take-out order online, but otherwise I agree with sound shift. In any case, made an order isn't idiomatic.

place an order 和make an order 的差別在哪裡?

placed an order - meaning, you have already ordered make an order - meaning, you need to make the order (you haven't ordered it yet) ... 這個 ...

we placed the order vs we made the order 意思和用法

「We placed the order」表示正式提交了商品或服務的請求,通常指經過深思熟慮且有組織的過程。相較之下,「we made the order」則帶有較隨意或非正式的感覺,像是訂購行為 ...

place an order

place an order(phr) · 音標: · 解釋: 下訂單 · 例句: You need to think carefully before you place an order. 翻譯: 在你下訂單前,你必須三思。


接單生產(make to order : build to order)或訂貨生產(make-to-order production). 指廠商在接獲顧客訂單後,依訂單指示進行生產製造後出貨,通常在實務上採用接單生產的 ...


我们的某些服务可能会容许阁下提交有关他人的信息,例如:如果阁下订购了一个产品,并希望我们将该产品直接递送给他人收取。,我们的某些服务可能会容许阁下提交有关他人的信息,例如:如果阁下订购了一个产品,并希望我们将该产品直接递送给他人收取。,do/makesomethingtoorder.todoormakesomethingespeciallyforapersonwhohasaskedforit.訂做,訂製.Wemakeweddingcakestoorder.我們提供訂做婚禮 ...Outoforder·Orderofmagnitu...