
Pat McGrath (make-up artist)

Dame Patricia Ann McGrath DBE (born 11 June 1971) is a British make-up artist. She has been called the most influential make-up artist in the world by Vogue ...

292 個符合「Make Up」的職缺(台灣)

在台灣的292 Make Up職缺 · Marketing Assistant · Marketing Assistant · Creative Director · Product Specialist (Software Product) · Affiliate marketing, Assistant ...

Photo Editing Makeup | MakeupDirector | Watch Tutorials

Try MakeupDirector for simple photo editing makeup with professional results. Easily apply virtual makeup to your photos. Learn how to use it today!

Photo Editing Makeup | MakeupDirector

Our photo editing makeup tool, MakeupDirector, will intelligently recognize multiple faces in your photos and automatically assign facial points respectively.

Creative Director Makeup Industry Jobs, Employment

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(@patmcgrathreal) • Instagram photos and videos

Dame Pat McGrath, DBE Makeup Artist, Founder, CEO. The most influential makeup artist in the world. -Vogue 23 hours ago · Pat McGrath · MAJOR LOVE⚡️????❤️ Just... · Open app

Meet The MAC Makeup Artists

DOMINIC SKINNER. DIRECTOR OF MAKEUP ARTISTRY Dom joined MAC in 2004 and has ... management where she undertook the role of Retail Manager. Her natural ...


As the world's most followed makeup artist, he has taught and popularized revolutionary makeup techniques, igniting viral trends through education, social ...

Hair and make-up designer (Film and TV Drama)

In film and TV drama, hair and make-up designers help actors portray their characters by using hair and make-up to create a look.

Introducing MakeupDirector 2 | Digital Makeup Software

Designed with Photographers & Makeup Artists in mind, MakeupDirector's front line digital makeup technology and facial detection render ...


DamePatriciaAnnMcGrathDBE(born11June1971)isaBritishmake-upartist.Shehasbeencalledthemostinfluentialmake-upartistintheworldbyVogue ...,在台灣的292MakeUp職缺·MarketingAssistant·MarketingAssistant·CreativeDirector·ProductSpecialist(SoftwareProduct)·Affiliatemarketing,Assistant ...,TryMakeupDirectorforsimplephotoeditingmakeupwithprofessionalresults.Easilyapplyvirtualmakeuptoyourphotos.Learnhowtous...