

Full comparison data of benchmarks Mali-G71 MP8 @ 1037MHz vs Adreno 530 @ 624MHz GPU, which GPU is best for gaming and speed test ...

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ARM Mali-G71 vs Qualcomm Adreno 530

Comparison between ARM Mali-G71 and Qualcomm Adreno 530 with the specifications of the graphics cards, the number of execution units, shading units, ...

Qualcomm Adreno 530 vs ARM Mali-G71 MP20

Comparison of the technical characteristics between the graphics cards, with Qualcomm Adreno 530 on one side and ARM Mali-G71 MP20 on the other side, ...

Exynos 7904 vs Snapdragon 820

We compared the 8-core Samsung Exynos 7904 (Mali-G71 MP2) with the older 4-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 (Adreno 530) SoC.

Exynos 8895 vs Snapdragon 820

We compared the 8-core Samsung Exynos 8895 (Mali-G71 MP20) with the older 4-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 (Adreno 530) SoC. Review · Differences · AnTuTu v10

AMD Radeon 530 vs ARM Mali-G71

Why is ARM Mali-G71 better than AMD Radeon 530? ; 120 MHz faster GPU clock speed · 850 MHzvs730 MHz ; 12 nm smaller semiconductor size · 16 nmvs28 nm ; Supports 3D.

ARM Mali-G71 MP2 - Qualcomm Adreno 630

ARM Mali-G71 MP2 vs Qualcomm Adreno 610 vs Qualcomm Adreno 630 - Benchmarks, Tests and Comparisons.

Qualcomm Adreno 530 vs ARM Mali-G71 MP20

The ARM Mali-G71 MP20 is an integrated high-end graphics adapter for ARM SoCs, which was eg used in smartphone chip Samsung Exynos 9 8895.

ARM Mali-G71 MP2 vs Qualcomm Adreno 530

Benchmarks · Average Benchmarks ARM Mali-G71 MP2 → 100% · Average Benchmarks Qualcomm Adreno 530 → 450% n=18. - Range of benchmark values for this graphics ...


FullcomparisondataofbenchmarksMali-G71MP8@1037MHzvsAdreno530@624MHzGPU,whichGPUisbestforgamingandspeedtest ...,通过游戏实时帧率可以看到,Vulkan提高了硬件的使用效率,使得CPU负载大幅降低,并增强处理器多线程计算能力,让GPU利用率保持在较高水平之上。,ComparisonbetweenARMMali-G71andQualcommAdreno530withthespecificationsofthegraphicscards,thenumberofexecutionunits,shadingunits, ...,Comparisonofthetec...