
How to Choose the Best Jewelry Design CAD Software

SolidWorks is the most widespread 3D CAD software on the planet. While it does offer more advanced surface and solid modeling tools than Fusion 360 such as ...

MatrixGold, 3D CAD Software for Jewelry Design

MatrixGold adds a new dimension to Gemvision's advanced CAD solutions. It combines top Matrix and RhinoGold features with a simplified and fully customized ...


Discover the best 3D software solutions to design, produce and sell your jewelry. Design and sell your own jewelry models has never been that easy.

Matrix 9

Trusted by more jewelry professionals than any other 3D design software, and taught at over 50 schools in 25 countries, Matrix sets the world standard for ...

Matrix 9

Software information, tutorial videos, and course information on Gemvision/Stuller's Matrix 9 NURBS 3D Jewellery CAD Modeller.

Matrix 3D Jewelry Design Software, Free trial & download ...

Matrix is is a jewellery-specific CAD suite based upon Rhino CAD softwares same core engine, but rebuilt from the ground up to make it as easy and efficient as ...

End of Support for Matrix & RhinoGold

Gemvision is dedicating its time to developing and strengthening MatrixGold — the ultimate 3D CAD tool for jewelry design. This program can provide you with ...


MatrixGold® is the most powerful custom jewelry design solution, trusted by industry experts and professionals around the world.


SolidWorksisthemostwidespread3DCADsoftwareontheplanet.WhileitdoesoffermoreadvancedsurfaceandsolidmodelingtoolsthanFusion360suchas ...,MatrixGoldaddsanewdimensiontoGemvision'sadvancedCADsolutions.ItcombinestopMatrixandRhinoGoldfeatureswithasimplifiedandfullycustomized ...,Discoverthebest3Dsoftwaresolutionstodesign,produceandsellyourjewelry.Designandsellyourownjewelrymodelshasneverbeenthateasy.,...
