Horizontal Mattress Suture

Thisisanichetechniquedesignedtoencouragewound-edgeinversion,andisusefulprimarilytorecreateanaturalcrease.Itmaybeusedtorecreatethe ...,Thehorizontalmattressstitchisasuturetechniqueusedtoclosewounds.Itevertsskinwellandspreadstensionalongthewoundedg...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Chapter 5.7

This is a niche technique designed to encourage wound-edge inversion, and is useful primarily to recreate a natural crease. It may be used to recreate the ...

Horizontal mattress stitch

The horizontal mattress stitch is a suture technique used to close wounds. It everts skin well and spreads tension along the wound edge.

Vertical mattress stitch

a suture type used to close skin wounds. The advantages of the vertical mattress suture are that it provides closure for both deep and superficial layers.

The Mattress Sutures: Vertical, Horizontal, and Corner Stitch

Vertical and horizontal mattress sutures allow for skin edges to be closed under tension when wound edges have to be brought together over a ...

How To Repair a Laceration With Horizontal Mattress Sutures

The mattress sutures (both vertical and horizontal) are commonly used to close wounds under tension. Because the suture is looped through the skin lateral to ...

Mattress Suture Patterns

The vertical mattress pattern involves entering the needle 8-10 mm from the incision line on one side and exiting on the other side of the incision at the same ...

臺中榮民總醫院-Taichung Veterans General Hospital-

垂直褥式內翻縫合法(vertical mattress suture/lembert) · 水平褥式外翻縫合法(horizontal mattress suture) · 連續水平縫合(Suture Pattern Continuous ...

Vertical Mattress Suture | BMJ Learning

Different ways to do sutures, but none describe which suture to use for different wound types or areas of the body and why.

Horizontal Mattress Suture

Horizontal Mattress Suture. 1.8M views · 6 years ago ...more. GSECStanfordSurgery. 24.5K. Subscribe. 10K. Share. Save. Report.


Thisisanichetechniquedesignedtoencouragewound-edgeinversion,andisusefulprimarilytorecreateanaturalcrease.Itmaybeusedtorecreatethe ...,Thehorizontalmattressstitchisasuturetechniqueusedtoclosewounds.Itevertsskinwellandspreadstensionalongthewoundedge.,asuturetypeusedtocloseskinwounds.Theadvantagesoftheverticalmattresssuturearethatitprovidesclosureforbothdeepandsuperficiallayers.,Verticalandhorizo...