Legends of Maui



maui Motorhomes

maui Motorhomes is part of Australasia's largest rental vehicle operator with campervan hire locations in Australia, New Zealand and Southern Africa.

Motorhome Hire New Zealand

Maui NZ offers motorhome rental, RV and campervan hire NZ. See our range of premium motorhomes & campervans and find out how much you could save on your ... New Zealand Regions · Driving in New Zealand · Motorhome Hire New Zealand

Maui New Zealand

Maui is a brand of the premier tourism company THL. They have been providing Motorhome Rental New Zealand adventures for more than a quarter of a century.

Maui Campervans Hire NZ

Maui NZ offers campervan hire in Auckland, Christchurch and Queenstown. All Maui campervans are automatic. Maui brand has the following motorhomes in its fleet.

Maui Motorhomes New Zealand

Maui Motorhomes New Zealand offers motorhome rental and campervan hire NZ. See Maui's full range of motorhomes & campervans and book your campervan here.

maui motorhomes

評分 2.0 (31) maui is New Zealand's most recognised premium motorhome brand with modern vehicles, panoramic views, plenty of storage

maui motorhomes

評分 2.0 (31) maui is New Zealand's most recognised premium motorhome brand with modern vehicles, panoramic views, plenty of storage

Maui campervan hire

Renting a motorhome from Maui in New Zealand is easy at VroomVroomVroom. Compare rental rates and find an RV that suits your budget and needs.


mauiMotorhomesispartofAustralasia'slargestrentalvehicleoperatorwithcampervanhirelocationsinAustralia,NewZealandandSouthernAfrica.,MauiNZoffersmotorhomerental,RVandcampervanhireNZ.Seeourrangeofpremiummotorhomes&campervansandfindouthowmuchyoucouldsaveonyour ...NewZealandRegions·DrivinginNewZealand·MotorhomeHireNewZealand,MauiisabrandofthepremiertourismcompanyTHL.TheyhavebeenprovidingMotorhom...