Apple's Clips app: a step-by-step guide

Clipsisafreeappformakingfunvideostosharewithfriendsandfamily.Withafewtapsyoucancreateverticalandhorizontalvideoswithimmersive ...,ExportvideosinafewtapswithClipchamp'siOSapp.Allyouhavetodoisexportyourvideoandthenselectwhereyouwouldliketosaveorsen...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Clips on the App Store

Clips is a free app for making fun videos to share with friends and family. With a few taps you can create vertical and horizontal videos with immersive ...

How to export a video in Clipchamp iOS app

Export videos in a few taps with Clipchamp's iOS app. All you have to do is export your video and then select where you would like to save or send it.

How to trim a video in Clipchamp iOS app

Next, tap on the purple timeline clip. Four different editing options will appear. Tap on the cut (scissors) tool to trim your clip. Your clip will now be in ...

iPhone Video Editor App

Download WeVideo's free iPhone video editor app to create videos on the go from any iOS device. Edit your own media or use ours! Try free now.

Upload a Video from an iOS Device to My Media

Upload a Video from an iOS Device · 1. Using the Canvas Student App, login and go to your course · 2. Select the My Media link · 3. Tap Add New and select Media ...

在App Store 上的「Clips」

「可立拍」是一個免費的App,可製作有趣的影片,與朋友和家人分享。只要點幾下就可以製作帶有沉浸式相機效果、藝術濾鏡、動態音樂、動畫文字、表情符號、貼圖等等的直 ...


Clipsisafreeappformakingfunvideostosharewithfriendsandfamily.Withafewtapsyoucancreateverticalandhorizontalvideoswithimmersive ...,ExportvideosinafewtapswithClipchamp'siOSapp.Allyouhavetodoisexportyourvideoandthenselectwhereyouwouldliketosaveorsendit.,Next,taponthepurpletimelineclip.Fourdifferenteditingoptionswillappear.Taponthecut(scissors)tooltotrimyourclip.Yourclipwillnowbein ...,DownloadWeV...