
ThenumberoneEnglishentertainmentandlifestylechannelfortheentirefamily,Channel5isthedestinationforhighquality,innovativelocal ...,Channel5isanEnglish-languagefree-to-airterrestrialtelevisionchannelinSingapore,ownedbystatemediaconglomerateMediacorp...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Channel 5

The number one English entertainment and lifestyle channel for the entire family, Channel 5 is the destination for high quality, innovative local ...

Channel 5 (Singaporean TV channel)

Channel 5 is an English-language free-to-air terrestrial television channel in Singapore, owned by state media conglomerate Mediacorp. The channel primarily ...

Digital TV

Channel 29 or UHF 538MHz: Channel 5 and Suria; Channel 31 or UHF 554MHz: Channel 8 and Vasantham; Channel 33 or UHF 570MHz: CNA and Channel U ...

Mediacorp Channel 5 | Logopedia

Mediacorp Channel 5 is the flagship English-language TV channel of Mediacorp, the state-owned terrestrial broadcaster in Singapore.

Mediacorp TV Channel 5 (SG) (Sorted by Popularity ...

Exclude · 1. Kyle XY · 2. Doctor Snuggles · 3. Baby Bumps · 4. Reunion · 5. Rojak · 6. BRA · 7. Checkmate · 8. Keong Saik Street.

TV Guide

TV Guide for free LIVE TV channels from Channel 5, Channel 8, Channel U, CNA, Suria and Vasantham. Watch premium TV programmes from HBO and beIN SPORTS, ...

Watch Live TV Online

Stream Mediacorp's Live TV channels, 5, 8, U, Suria, Vasantham and CNA, on meWATCH. Premium live channels from HBO GO are available with a subscription.


新傳媒5頻道(英語:MediaCorp Channel 5)是新加坡24小時英語電視頻道。 Channel ... 2007年1月1日,頻道改名為新傳媒高清5頻道(MediaCorp TV HD5)。 2017年3月1日 ...


ThenumberoneEnglishentertainmentandlifestylechannelfortheentirefamily,Channel5isthedestinationforhighquality,innovativelocal ...,Channel5isanEnglish-languagefree-to-airterrestrialtelevisionchannelinSingapore,ownedbystatemediaconglomerateMediacorp.Thechannelprimarily ...,Channel29orUHF538MHz:Channel5andSuria;Channel31orUHF554MHz:Channel8andVasantham;Channel33orUHF570MHz:CNAandChannelU ...,Media...