
Medici (TV series)

The series follows the House of Medici, bankers of the Pope, in 15th-century Florence. Each season follows the events of a particular moment of the family's ...

Medici (TV Series 2016–2019)

評分 7.8/10 (23,225) A political family drama set in Florence in the early fifteenth century. Cosimo de Medici finds himself at the helm of his banking dynasty when his father, ... Medici: Godfathers of the... · Final Season on Netf

Watch Medici

In 15th-century Renaissance Florence, the visionary Medici dynasty flexes its power in politics and the arts, risking its rivals' lethal opposition.


富有遠見的麥地奇王朝在15 世紀文藝復興時期的佛羅倫斯,不畏敵手致命的對立,大展政治和藝術的實力。 Watch trailers & learn more.

Watch Medici

In 15th-century Renaissance Florence, the visionary Medici dynasty flexes its power in politics and the arts, risking its rivals' lethal opposition.


TheseriesfollowstheHouseofMedici,bankersofthePope,in15th-centuryFlorence.Eachseasonfollowstheeventsofaparticularmomentofthefamily's ...,評分7.8/10(23,225)ApoliticalfamilydramasetinFlorenceintheearlyfifteenthcentury.CosimodeMedicifindshimselfatthehelmofhisbankingdynastywhenhisfather, ...Medici:Godfathersofthe...·FinalSeasononNetf,In15th-centuryRenaissanceFlorence,thevisionaryMedicidynastyflexes...