MegaMan X

Anewyear,anewlookatMegaManX:Corrupted.DeveloperJKBGameshasreleasedanhourofgameplayfootage,showcasingtheimpressive ...,JKBGames.44012likes·6talkingaboutthis.MegaManX:CorruptedOfficialFacebookPage.,ThisgamebuildsontheabilityinMegamanX8tomixarmorpar...。參考影片的文章的如下:


An Hour of Mega Man X

A new year, a new look at Mega Man X: Corrupted. Developer JKBGames has released an hour of gameplay footage, showcasing the impressive ...

JKB Games

JKB Games. 44012 likes · 6 talking about this. Mega Man X: Corrupted Official Facebook Page.

Mega Man X

This game builds on the ability in Megaman X 8 to mix armor parts with this game's Phoenix and Hydra armors for X, whose pieces can be equipped and used ...

Megaman X Corrupted

Understandable why folks are frustrated on the long time it's taken to be finished some feeling it may not be finished. It's a fan game so It's ...

MegaMan X

MegaMan X: Corrupted Wiki ... Welcome to the MegaMan X: Corrupted Wiki! Hosting 10 articles with 250 images and 53,040 edits so far. You can ...

Some explanations about Megaman X Corrupted

Megaman X Corrupted (or MMXC) is a semi-open world where you choose to fight any maverick in the map. The graphism remind a 16 bit MMX but with ...


Anewyear,anewlookatMegaManX:Corrupted.DeveloperJKBGameshasreleasedanhourofgameplayfootage,showcasingtheimpressive ...,JKBGames.44012likes·6talkingaboutthis.MegaManX:CorruptedOfficialFacebookPage.,ThisgamebuildsontheabilityinMegamanX8tomixarmorpartswiththisgame'sPhoenixandHydraarmorsforX,whosepiecescanbeequippedandused ...,Understandablewhyfolksarefrustratedonthelongtimeit'stakentobefinishedsom...
