
Use it when you sign up for a CitiBank card! *Member-Get ...

Use my referral code: SD9SIARH and earn a referral bill rebate of $20 from you sign up a new plan. It is stackable with credit card promo.

Bank Account Bonus Offers

Citi's bonus offers are designed to reward customers for opening checking and/or savings accounts with Citibank and maintaining a certain minimum balance.

[PDF] Citibank Credit Card Online Member-Get

To participate in the Promotion, a Referrer must make a Successful Referral (defined below) of an Eligible Referee to Citibank during the Qualifying Period by ...

Refer a friend for Citi Credit Cards & get S$150

Refer a friend for Citibank Credit Cards today and earn Citi Rebate that can be redeemed instantly at over 500 locations. Browse here to know more detail.

[PDF] Citi Customer Referral Programme 2024 Terms and Conditions

Citi Customer Referral Programme 2024 Terms and Conditions. For Bank Use. (MGM) Referrer Customer Number: (NTB) Customer Number ...

Citibank 全力策動Member-get-Member推薦計劃

由至10月31日,成功推薦親友申請Citibank信用卡,可享以下推薦人獎賞。 推薦人獎賞* 獎賞1: 成功推薦每位全新客戶可獲HK$100現金回贈獎賞2: 成功推薦6位或 ...


To participate in the Citibank Member-Get-Member Referral Program, you must ask a bank representative for more details in-person when you visit ...

Citibank Referral Offer Details and Instructions

1. Obtain your unique referral link. · 2. Share the referral link with friends. · 3. Wait for your friends to open an eligible account. · 4. Ensure the accounts ...

How to get citi checking referral : rcitibank

Go into a local branch and ask for their account to be activated. They will be given physical 'coupons' that they can give out with referral codes on it.

Top Citi Perks Exclusively For Citi Credit Card Cardmembers

Beyond well-loved benefits like 8% cash back and 10X rewards, Citi Cardmembers can expect an enhanced overall experience thanks to the bank's exciting releases ...


Usemyreferralcode:SD9SIARHandearnareferralbillrebateof$20fromyousignupanewplan.Itisstackablewithcreditcardpromo.,Citi'sbonusoffersaredesignedtorewardcustomersforopeningcheckingand/orsavingsaccountswithCitibankandmaintainingacertainminimumbalance.,ToparticipateinthePromotion,aReferrermustmakeaSuccessfulReferral(definedbelow)ofanEligibleRefereetoCitibankduringtheQualifyingPeriodby ...,Referafrie...