When the --auto-merge is given, meld will merge all non-conflicting parts automatically, highlight the conflicting parts, and wait for user decision. Setting ...
Install Meld from their webpage http://meldmerge.org/. I had to tell git where it was: git config --global merge.tool meld git config --global diff.tool ...
2023年5月31日 — Meld is a graphical tool that lets you compare and merge files or directories. You can use it as a difftool for Git to visually inspect the ...
Meld is a visual diff and merge tool, targeted at developers. It allows users to compare two or three files or directories visually, color-coding the ...
2023年5月23日 — From what I've gathered reading online, I learned I can first accept one, left or right, by clicking the arrow icon and then I can accept the ...
2015年12月6日 — If you have more than one file with merge conflicts then Git will open a new Meld window for each, one after another until they are all done.