Getting Started with Windows 8 Metro Style Applications Using ...

2012年4月17日—Ofcourse,theanswerisn'talwaysobvious.Forexample,ASP.NETAPIsareclearlynotrelevanttoMetrostyleappdevelopment,butconsoleAPIs ...,MicrosoftunderstandsthatnotallapplicationsaresuitedtobeMetroapps.TakeVisualStudioforexample.Itisfirmlyentr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


.NET for Metro style apps

2012年4月17日 — Of course, the answer isn't always obvious. For example, ASP.NET APIs are clearly not relevant to Metro style app development, but console APIs ...

Developing a Metro Style App with HTML and JavaScript

Microsoft understands that not all applications are suited to be Metro apps. Take Visual Studio for example. It is firmly entrenched in the Desktop Apps world ...

Getting Started with Metro style apps

2020年1月21日 — Download, build, and run the Windows SDK samples. Roadmap for Metro-style apps using JavaScript · Roadmap for Metro-style apps using C# or ...

Metro style

Oct 24, 2015 - Explore Beau Agency's board Metro style, followed by 906 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about metro style, user interface design, ...

Metro Style Applications

2013年9月25日 — Here is the example for how to create a Metro Style App using HTML + CSS + JavaScript as Language.

Metro style

Get the sample app. The Scenario. For review, a data snacking app is one that ... All of the Metro style app samples in the Windows 8 Developer Preview fit ...

There is a need for only five Metro style apps in the world.

2011年9月21日 — There is a need for only five Metro style apps in the world. · Internet Explorer (obvious) · Build (a Build conference schedule and experience app) ...

Windows 8 Metro Style App Samples

2012年7月2日 — 3 Answers 3 ... I believe it's related to the folder name you chose for the samples - I suspect that the # character is causing issues for the ...


2012年4月17日—Ofcourse,theanswerisn'talwaysobvious.Forexample,ASP.NETAPIsareclearlynotrelevanttoMetrostyleappdevelopment,butconsoleAPIs ...,MicrosoftunderstandsthatnotallapplicationsaresuitedtobeMetroapps.TakeVisualStudioforexample.ItisfirmlyentrenchedintheDesktopAppsworld ...,2020年1月21日—Download,build,andruntheWindowsSDKsamples.RoadmapforMetro-styleappsusingJavaScript·RoadmapforMetro-style...