Reviewing a two



2 Stars : 1

2 Stars : 1-20 of 488 restaurants · Molino de Urdániz · Mudan · logy · L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon · RAW · Tsukumo · Oryori Hanagaki · akordu.

2 stars restaurants

Our 2 Michelin star chefs are those great chefs at Relais & Châteaux's gastronomic restaurants who specialise in creative cuisine and place equal importance on ...


As of 2021 there are 417 2-star restaurants in the Michelin guide. These are spread across 26 countries. The country with the most 2-star ...

List of 2

This page lists these 2-star Michelin restaurants by state. Within each state, the restaurants are listed by city, and then by the name of the restaurant.

List of Michelin starred restaurants in Taiwan

MICHELIN Guide Taipei & Taichung 2021: New Restaurants Awarded MICHELIN Stars and Two Restaurants Receive MICHELIN Green Stars for the First Time.

Michelin 2

The first branch outside Spain of this famous name is helmed by two head chefs who honed their skills at the flagship. Central to the original concept is ...

Michelin Guide

1 star. : High-quality cooking, worth a stop (Cuisine de qualité, mérite une halte) · 2 stars. : Excellent cooking, worth a detour (Cuisine excellente, ...

Taipei City 2 Stars MICHELIN Restaurants

Find all 2 Stars Restaurants - the MICHELIN Guide Taipei. MICHELIN inspector reviews and insights.


2Stars:1-20of488restaurants·MolinodeUrdániz·Mudan·logy·L'AtelierdeJoëlRobuchon·RAW·Tsukumo·OryoriHanagaki·akordu.,Our2MichelinstarchefsarethosegreatchefsatRelais&Châteaux'sgastronomicrestaurantswhospecialiseincreativecuisineandplaceequalimportanceon ...,Asof2021thereare4172-starrestaurantsintheMichelinguide.Thesearespreadacross26countries.Thecountrywiththemost2-star ...,Thispageliststhese2...