Microsoft OneDrive SkyDrive Windows Tutorial

SkyDriveisacloudstorageservicethatisprovidedbyMicrosofttoitsusers.ItissimilartoothercloudstoragetoolslikeGoogleDriveandDropboxinthat ...,MicrosoftSkyDrive(WindowsLiveSkyDrive,WindowsLiveFolders)isafilehostingservicethatallowsuserstouploadandsyncf...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Differences Between Microsoft SkyDrive Pro and SkyDrive

SkyDrive is a cloud storage service that is provided by Microsoft to its users. It is similar to other cloud storage tools like Google Drive and Dropbox in that ...

Microsoft SkyDrive

Microsoft SkyDrive (Windows Live SkyDrive, Windows Live Folders) is a file hosting service that allows users to upload and sync files to a cloud storage and ...


OneDrive, a Microsoft file hosting service, which was renamed from SkyDrive in February 2014 · SkyDrive (company), a Japanese flying car company.

SkyDrive and SkyDrive Pro are now OneDrive ...

2014年1月27日 — We wanted to be sure everyone saw the news today – SkyDrive and SkyDrive Pro will soon become OneDrive and OneDrive for Business!

Windows Live Skydrive

容量擴增5000%!Office 365 訂戶雲端空間增加至1TB ... 1 TB 的容量可以容納大約50 萬份文件、25 萬張照片、20 萬首歌、2 萬個影片。

透過OneDrive 安全地儲存並分享重要的事物

Microsoft 365 個人版 · 適合一人使用 · 1 TB (1000 GB) 雲端儲存空間 · 可使用於Windows、macOS、iOS 和Android · 進階桌面版、Web 版和行動裝置版的Word、Excel、PowerPoint ...


2013年6月20日 — 項目. Google Drive · Microsoft SkyDrive ; 免費儲存空間(GB). 5 GB. 7GB ; 最大單檔上傳大小. 10GB. 2GB ; 桌面應用程式. Windows 和 Mac. Windows Vista, ...


SkyDriveisacloudstorageservicethatisprovidedbyMicrosofttoitsusers.ItissimilartoothercloudstoragetoolslikeGoogleDriveandDropboxinthat ...,MicrosoftSkyDrive(WindowsLiveSkyDrive,WindowsLiveFolders)isafilehostingservicethatallowsuserstouploadandsyncfilestoacloudstorageand ...,OneDrive,aMicrosoftfilehostingservice,whichwasrenamedfromSkyDriveinFebruary2014·SkyDrive(company),aJapaneseflyingcarcompany...