
Azure AI Vision with OCR and AI

Accelerate computer vision development with Microsoft Azure. Get insights from image and video content using OCR, object detection, and image analysis.

使用OCR 與AI 的Azure AI 視覺

Azure AI 視覺是提供創新電腦視覺功能的統一服務。使用預建的影像標記、透過光學字元辨識(OCR) 的文字擷取和負責任的臉部辨識,提供您的應用程式分析影像、讀取文字及偵 ...

定價- Computer Vision API

這款最新穎的雲端式API 使開發人員可以存取進階演算法,進而自影像和影片擷取豐富的資訊來分類及處理視覺資料。功能包括影像標記、人員偵測、文字解壓縮(OCR) 和空間 ...

Azure AI 視覺文件

雲端式Azure AI 視覺服務可供開發人員存取進階演算法,以處理影像及傳回資訊。 藉由上傳影像或指定影像URL,Azure AI 視覺演算法可根據輸入和使用者選擇,透過不同方式分析 ...

Azure AI Vision documentation

The cloud-based Azure AI Vision service provides developers with access to advanced algorithms for processing images and returning information. What is Vision Studio? · Call the Read API · Call the Detect API · The future is yours

What is Azure AI Vision?

The Azure AI Vision service provides you with access to advanced algorithms for processing images and returning information. What is Image Analysis? · Optical Character Recognition

Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals: Computer Vision

Azure Face API: Using Azure's Face API for face detection, recognition, and analysis. 3. Fundamentals of Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

Vision Studio

Give your apps the ability to read text, analyze images, and detect faces with technology like optical character recognition (OCR) and machine learning.


AcceleratecomputervisiondevelopmentwithMicrosoftAzure.GetinsightsfromimageandvideocontentusingOCR,objectdetection,andimageanalysis.,AzureAI視覺是提供創新電腦視覺功能的統一服務。使用預建的影像標記、透過光學字元辨識(OCR)的文字擷取和負責任的臉部辨識,提供您的應用程式分析影像、讀取文字及偵 ...,這款最新穎的雲端式API使開發人員可以存取進階演算法,進而自影像和影片擷取豐富的資訊來分類及處理視覺資料。功...