
Download - Stable

To access older Mono releases for macOS and Windows, check the archive on the download server. For Linux, please check the Accessing older releases ...

Mono Releases

This page contains a list of all Mono releases. The latest stable release is 6.12.0 Stable ( Mono version numbers follow a specific policy, ...

Download .NET Framework 4.8

Downloads for building and running applications with .NET Framework 4.8 . Get web installer, offline installer, and language pack downloads for .

Older version of .Net not installed with latest Mono?

I found it quite hard to work out how to install an older version of Mono and MonoDevelop which supported 3.5, so I made a blog post.

Windows 8.1 x64 Fully Updated (2022

Fully updated Windows 8.1 ISO (2022-06 Patch level) with .NET Framework 4.8 Contains all editions (Core, Pro, Enterprise, and Pro with Windows Media Center)

Download .NET Framework 4.8.1 | Free official downloads

Downloads for building and running applications with .NET Framework 4.8.1 . Get web installer, offline installer, and language pack downloads for .

Mono 64 bit 4.8.1

Download: Download Mono 64 bit 4.8.1 · https://download.mono-project.com/archive/4.8.1/windows-installer/mono-

Framework mono .NET 3.5 not installed

... Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/4.8.0. From here you can download older versions of Mono Index of /archive. I downloaded 3.12.1 ...

New project target incompatible with mono #55 - ionideForge

When I use forge new project, then generated project targets .Net v4.6.2. I get compiler warnings that it is incompatible with mono.

v6.4.0 breaks build under mono when targeting net48 #1805

v6.4.0 and newer now depend on the System.Net.Http nuget package. This package is problematic under mono because it includes compiled versions of the System. ...


ToaccessolderMonoreleasesformacOSandWindows,checkthearchiveonthedownloadserver.ForLinux,pleasechecktheAccessingolderreleases ...,ThispagecontainsalistofallMonoreleases.Thelateststablereleaseis6.12.0Stable(, ...,Downloadsforbuildingandrunningapplicationswith.NETFramework4.8.Getwebinstaller,offlineinstaller,andlanguagepackdownloadsfor.,Ifounditq...