How To Change iTunes Backup Location In Windows 1110

2021年4月4日—Whileyouwon'tbeabletochangethedefaultbackuplocation,youcannavigatetothisfolderandmovethebackuptoanotherfolderorexternal ...,2022年7月19日—BydefaultiTunesbackupsgotomyC:-drivefillingitupneedlessly.Iwouldliketobackuptoanotherinternalha...。參考影片的文章的如下:


how do I change location of itunes backup folder

2021年4月4日 — While you won't be able to change the default backup location, you can navigate to this folder and move the backup to another folder or external ...

How do I change the backup location on a Windows 10 PC. ...

2022年7月19日 — By default iTunes backups go to my C:- drive filling it up needlessly. I would like to backup to another internal harddrive. Is there a way ...

How to Change iTunes Backup Location on Windows 10

2021年2月28日 — In the original iTunes backup location, select the Backup folder, right-click on it and select Rename. Change its name to Backup.old and press ...

How to Change iTunes backup location on WindowsMac?

2024年3月15日 — The iTunes backup folder is easy to move to a new device or another computer. This is very useful if you want to share backups with another user ...

How to change the iTunes backup location

Use the following command mklink /d Backup "[desired-new-backup-path]" . Once this command has been entered, press ⏎ Enter and the change will be complete. After restarting Windows, iTunes will store its backups in the new location.

How to Change the iTunes Backup Location in Windows 10

Make a manual backup of the iTunes directory %APPDATA%-Apple Computer-MobileSync-Backup ( version) or %userprofile%-Apple-MobileSync-Backup (Windows 10 ...

Take Control of iTunes Backup location

2024年3月5日 — To automatically change the location of your iTunes backup folder and move its contents wherever you like – use CopyTrans Shelbee which is easy ...

[Win] 釋放C Drive空間:更改iTunes備份位置



2021年4月4日—Whileyouwon'tbeabletochangethedefaultbackuplocation,youcannavigatetothisfolderandmovethebackuptoanotherfolderorexternal ...,2022年7月19日—BydefaultiTunesbackupsgotomyC:-drivefillingitupneedlessly.Iwouldliketobackuptoanotherinternalharddrive.Isthereaway ...,2021年2月28日—IntheoriginaliTunesbackuplocation,selecttheBackupfolder,right-clickonitandselectRename.ChangeitsnametoBackup.old...