movie antichrist
movie antichrist

Antichrist(stylizedasANTICHRIS♀)isa2009arthorrorfilmwrittenanddirectedbyLarsvonTrier.ItstarsWillemDafoeandCharlotteGainsbourgasa ...TheAntichrist·Prolongedgriefdisorder·Clitoridectomy·Grindstone,LarsvonTrier'sAntichristisdense,shocking,andthought...

Antichrist (2009)

評分6.5/10(140,373)Antichrist:DirectedbyLarsvonTrier.WithWillemDafoe,CharlotteGainsbourg,StormAchecheSahlstrøm.Agrievingcoupleretreattotheircabininthe ...Antichrist·Userreviews·Videos·Trivi

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Antichrist (film)

Antichrist (stylized as ANTICHRIS♀) is a 2009 art horror film written and directed by Lars von Trier. It stars Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg as a ... The Antichrist · Prolonged grief disorder · Clitoridectomy · Grindstone

“Antichrist”: A Discussion

Lars von Trier's Antichrist is dense, shocking, and thought-provoking. It is a film which calls for careful analysis.


Antichrist. 2009 • 108 minutes. Icon image. 3.8star. Antichrist (The Criterion Collection) [Blu

供應中 評分 4.5 (447) Lars von Trier (Europa, Breaking the Waves, Dancer in the Dark) shook up the film world when he premiered Antichrist at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.

Antichrist (2009)

Antichrist. Artificiality becomes a pathway to unbearable reality in a shocking scene at the center of Lars von Trier's nightmarish marital drama. By ...

Antichrist (2009)

評分 6.5/10 (140,373) Antichrist: Directed by Lars von Trier. With Willem Dafoe, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Storm Acheche Sahlstrøm. A grieving couple retreat to their cabin in the ... Antichrist · User reviews · Videos · Trivi

Thoughts after recently watching Antichrist (2009) : rmovies

Antichrist is about the stages of loss. It's interesting because it shows it from two perspectives: the one who can overcome loss and the one who gets sucked ...


評分 14% (7) The Antichrist is actually rather restrained as far as Italian horror flicks go, but that's not necessarily a good thing.


With its explicit sex and scene of female genital mutilation, Lars von Trier's Antichrist scandalised Cannes this year.

Antichrist trailer

The Film That Shocked the World | Lars Von Trier's Antichrist - Shocking Cinema ... Movie | Best Horror Movie | The Sacred. Movie Central ...


Antichrist(stylizedasANTICHRIS♀)isa2009arthorrorfilmwrittenanddirectedbyLarsvonTrier.ItstarsWillemDafoeandCharlotteGainsbourgasa ...TheAntichrist·Prolongedgriefdisorder·Clitoridectomy·Grindstone,LarsvonTrier'sAntichristisdense,shocking,andthought-provoking.Itisafilmwhichcallsforcarefulanalysis.,Antichrist.2009•108minutes.Iconimage.3.8star.,供應中評分4.5(447)LarsvonTrier(Europa,BreakingtheWaves...