

IINA 是一款免费开源的macOS 万能视频播放器,基于mpv (一款命令行启动/高度自定义配置的高性能跨平台开源播放器) 而来,使用Swift 语言开发,拥有强大的性能 ...


The MPV module provides direct access to mpv's API, including properties, commands, and hooks. Remarks. Setting a window-related property in mpv, ...

mpv homebrew tap for IINA.

This repo contains custom mpv and ffmpeg homebrew tap for IINA. mpv-iina.rb. Depends on ffmpeg-iina instead of ffmpeg; Does not depend on vapoursynth ...

iinaiina: The modern video player for macOS.

Based on mpv, which provides the best decoding capacity on macOS · Designed with modern versions of macOS (10.15+) in mind · All the features you need for video ... IINA · Releases 44 · Issues 1.7k · README.md

Plugin System | IINA

What you can do with the plugin system: Core, Control the playback and get/set various status from the window frame to subtitle tracks.


Powered by the open source media player mpv, IINA can play almost every media file you have. With the support of youtube-dl and our browser extensions, you ...

[軟體] IINA:基於mpv的播放器- 看板MAC

IINA 是一款基於mpv 的播放器,前幾天才發布的,試用了一下感覺不錯,推薦給大家。 介紹https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/24700324(簡體) ...


IINA(/ˈiːnə/)是一款基于mpv的自由及开源媒体播放器,以GNU通用公共许可证版本3(GPLv3)发布,用Swift编写,仅支持macOS平台。 IINA. IINA在播放《钢铁之泪》.




IINA是一款免费开源的macOS万能视频播放器,基于mpv(一款命令行启动/高度自定义配置的高性能跨平台开源播放器)而来,使用Swift语言开发,拥有强大的性能 ...,TheMPVmoduleprovidesdirectaccesstompv'sAPI,includingproperties,commands,andhooks.Remarks.Settingawindow-relatedpropertyinmpv, ...,ThisrepocontainscustommpvandffmpeghomebrewtapforIINA.mpv-iina.rb.Dependsonffmpeg-iinainsteadofffmpeg;Doesnotdependonvap...