
MuPDF mini | F-Droid

MuPDF Mini Viewer is a minimalist Android app that uses the MuPDF library to view PDF, XPS, CBZ, unprotected EPUB, and FB2 documents.

MuPDF for Android

This project is intended to offer an easy integration of MuPDF library (http://www.mupdf.com) on Android, avoiding the building process and adapted to the ...


The viewer library can be used to view PDF and other documents. The application is a simple file chooser that shows a list of documents on the external storage ...


MuPDF is a lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer. MuPDF consists of a software library, command line tools, and viewers for various platforms.

MuPDF ecosystem

An Android library that provides the Java bindings for use with Android apps. mupdf-android-mini lib and app: The MuPDF mini app that is on Google Play. This ...

MuPDF viewer

MuPDF viewer is an app for reading PDF, XPS, CBZ, and unprotected EPUB documents. This is a slim version of the MuPDF app, which focuses on reading only.

How to Integrate Mupdf in android studio step by step?

2015年10月29日 — Here is a link that shows one way to integrate mupdf to android: MuPDF Android Integration. It's written by Şahin Koç. Hope this helps.

MuPDF Release history

New WASM library with same API as mutool run and Java, for both browser and Node environments. Support CropBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, and ArtBox in PDF tools and ...

Askaiser.Android.MuPDF 1.18.0

2020年11月15日 — A port of the MuPDF Android library for Xamarin Android. With this library, you will be able to read, write, update PDF files as well as convert ...


MuPDFMiniViewerisaminimalistAndroidappthatusestheMuPDFlibrarytoviewPDF,XPS,CBZ,unprotectedEPUB,andFB2documents.,ThisprojectisintendedtoofferaneasyintegrationofMuPDFlibrary(http://www.mupdf.com)onAndroid,avoidingthebuildingprocessandadaptedtothe ...,TheviewerlibrarycanbeusedtoviewPDFandotherdocuments.Theapplicationisasimplefilechooserthatshowsalistofdocumentsontheexternalstorage ...,MuPDFisalig...