
It'soneofthemostusedmusicstreamingservicesworldwidewiththemostextensivecatalogueofsongsavailable.Howthey'reusingMusixmatch.AppleMusic ...,Thecoolestmusicexperience.Whereveryouare.Listenandcontributetoyourfavoritemusic.Joinourcommunitynow.Areyouan...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Apple Music

It's one of the most used music streaming services worldwide with the most extensive catalogue of songs available. How they're using Musixmatch. Apple Music ...

Download the Musixmatch app

The coolest music experience. Wherever you are. Listen and contribute to your favorite music. Join our community now. Are you an artist?

在App Store 上的「Musixmatch」

評分 4.5 (1,221) · 免費 · iOS Musixmatch 是世界上最大的歌詞庫,您可以透過它享受音樂與動態同步歌詞。 在155 個國家的App Store 中被評為編輯推薦,並榮獲2013 年度最佳App 大賞.

App Store 上的《Musixmatch》

評分 4.2 (280) · 免費 · iOS Musixmatch 是世界上最大的歌詞庫,您可以透過它享受音樂與動態同步歌詞。 在155 個國家的App Store 中被評為編輯推薦,並榮獲2013 年度最佳App 大賞.

開啟Apple Music與Spotify歌詞神器「Musixmatch」另含 ...

只要先播放音樂,再回 Musixmatch 點選左上角「三」選擇「歌詞識別」,就會自動馬上判別音樂和顯示歌詞,不過這方法只能顯示一首,如果到下一首歌時就要點選右上角重新判別即可 ...

Musixmatch: lyrics finder

評分 4.3 (2,091,936) · 免費 · Android Musixmatch is the world's largest collection of song lyrics used by millions of people to get instant time synced lyrics for Youtube, Spotify, Pandora and more.

Musixmatch - Mac、Windows (PC) 版傳統型應用程式


Musixmatch - Desktop App for Mac, Windows (PC)

Musixmatch is a music recognition app that identifies songs and provides synchronized lyrics, supporting over 40 languages for users to enjoy and share music.


Discover Musixmatch and contribute to the world's biggest music catalog. Explore lyrics, translations, credits, meanings and podcast transcription services. About Musixmatch · Musixmatch · Musixmatch Pro · Musixmatch Podcasts

Musixmatch Lyrics are Back for PCMac : rspotify

Musixmatch has released a beta version of their app for PC/Mac users. Here's a screenshot of the app for Mac.


It'soneofthemostusedmusicstreamingservicesworldwidewiththemostextensivecatalogueofsongsavailable.Howthey'reusingMusixmatch.AppleMusic ...,Thecoolestmusicexperience.Whereveryouare.Listenandcontributetoyourfavoritemusic.Joinourcommunitynow.Areyouanartist?,評分4.5(1,221)·免費·iOSMusixmatch是世界上最大的歌詞庫,您可以透過它享受音樂與動態同步歌詞。在155個國家的AppStore中被評為編輯推薦,並榮獲2013年...

Spotify 終於可以顯示歌詞,教你如何啟用

Spotify 終於可以顯示歌詞,教你如何啟用
