

How Spotify is using Musixmatch services to make a more engaging experience on music and lyrics.

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在App Store 上的「Musixmatch」

評分 4.5 (1,221) · 免費 · iOS Musixmatch 是世界上最大的歌詞庫,您可以透過它享受音樂與動態同步歌詞。 在155 個國家的App Store 中被評為編輯推薦,並榮獲2013 年度最佳App 大賞.

App Store 上的《Musixmatch》

評分 4.2 (280) · 免費 · iOS Musixmatch 是世界上最大的歌詞庫,您可以透過它享受音樂與動態同步歌詞。 在155 個國家的App Store 中被評為編輯推薦,並榮獲2013 年度最佳App 大賞.

Musixmatch not working on desktop osx app

I have 1.0.1 with lyrics button, but when I clcick lyrics button I get a We'll be back shortly. Your connection is slow or weak

Lyrics Musixmatch on Desktop

You can now find the lyrics to your favorite songs in Spotify. Here's how. You can view the support article for lyrics right here.

開啟Apple Music與Spotify歌詞神器「Musixmatch」另含 ...

相信也有不少用戶在用 Spotify 來聽歌,Musixmatch同樣也可以支援 Spotify 平台顯示歌詞,點選左上角「三」選擇「音樂服務」,就可看見要與 Spotify 連結按鈕,不過要支援 ...

How to connect Spotify and Apple Music with the Musixmatch Studio?

In order to work missions via the Musixmatch Studio, you'll need a Spotify Premium account connected to your Musixmatch account. If your account is not already ...


If you've connected your Spotify Premium account, Musixmatch automatically fetches your songs' audio files. Select Roster from your Musixmatch Pro homepage.

Musixmatch Lyrics are Back for PCMac : rspotify

Musixmatch has released a beta version of their app for PC/Mac users. Here's a screenshot of the app for Mac.



Spotify 終於可以顯示歌詞,教你如何啟用

Spotify 終於可以顯示歌詞,教你如何啟用
