
Download the Musixmatch app

Listen and contribute to your favorite music. Join our community now. Are you an artist? Check out Musixmatch Pro!

How to connect Spotify and Apple Music with the Musixmatch Studio?

In the the mobile app: Home > Settings · In the desktop app: Top left icon > Settings > Streaming Services > Disconnect/Connect Spotify ...

Is Musixmatch on PC not working for anyone else? : rspotify

Make sure you have the latest version of Musixmatch as well. Basically, first uninstall Musixmatch and then reinstall it from Microsoft store.

Lyrics Musixmatch on Desktop

You can now find the lyrics to your favorite songs in Spotify. Here's how. You can view the support article for lyrics right here.

Meet the new Musixmatch Desktop App

It's finally time to enjoy the new Musixmatch app for Mac and for Windows! Start listening to your favourite music using Spotify, iTunes or Windows Media ...


Musixmatch is (for now) only supported on Android and iOS. You'll need an Android emulator to run Musixmatch on Windows.

Musixmatch Lyrics are Back for PCMac : rspotify

Musixmatch has released a beta version of their app for PC/Mac users. Here's a screenshot of the app for Mac.


How Spotify is using Musixmatch services to make a more engaging experience on music and lyrics.

教你如何在Spotify 電腦版顯示歌詞(Windows10 適用),完全免費!

首先,點擊並下載Microsoft Store 中的Musixmatch Lyrics 應用程式。不只是Spotify,Musixmatch 還可以用在iTunes 及Windows Media Player。 Spotify 電腦版 ...


只須使用有廣告贊助的Spotify 免費帳戶,即可透過Musixmatch 新增、編輯和同步歌詞。如果將Spotify Premium 帳戶連結至Musixmatch,你的Spotify 目錄就會自動與Musixmatch ...


Listenandcontributetoyourfavoritemusic.Joinourcommunitynow.Areyouanartist?CheckoutMusixmatchPro!,Inthethemobileapp:Home>Settings·Inthedesktopapp:Toplefticon>Settings>StreamingServices>Disconnect/ConnectSpotify ...,MakesureyouhavethelatestversionofMusixmatchaswell.Basically,firstuninstallMusixmatchandthenreinstallitfromMicrosoftstore.,YoucannowfindthelyricstoyourfavoritesongsinSpoti...

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具


Spotify 終於可以顯示歌詞,教你如何啟用

Spotify 終於可以顯示歌詞,教你如何啟用
